Student Life
Syllabus Week At UD Explained By "The Office"
"The Office" understands the struggle of the first week back from winter break.
26 December 2024
January 19th is the first day of the second semester at the University of Dayton, and students couldn't be more excited. However, the excitement that students are experiencing may be short-lived once they see what this semester's courses will entail. Although students will be happy to be back at Dayton, they may realize this semester will be more difficult than they predicted. Here are some things that happen during syllabus week explained by " The Office."
1. Waking up for your first 9:00 a.m. class of the semester.
2. When you remember you have to walk in the freezing cold to your classes.
3. Feeling overly confident in your academic abilities on the first day of classes.
4. Walking into your first class and seeing friends from your major.
5. That moment when you open the syllabus packet to see what possible pain lies ahead.
6. You resent the professors that keep you for the whole class time on the first day.
7. When professors tell you too much about their personal lives on the first day of class.
8. When your professor tries to explain the benchmark assignment to the class.
9. Finding out the final exam in a class will be comprehensive.
10. When you're done with classes for the day and you finally get to take a nap.
11. Finding out a required textbook is out of stock at the bookstore.
12. When you're broke after buying your textbooks for the semester.
13. When you realize that you really need to start getting PATH points...
14. Impatiently waiting for all of your classes to be up on Isidore.
14. The realization that this semester will be harder than you anticipated...
15. Getting overly excited for going out on the first weekend back from break.
Welcome back, Flyers!
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