Arts Entertainment
Coed Floor Experience: Living With Boys for the First Time
Let's just say I don't have a desperate desire for a brother like I did growing up. I gained plenty of brothers by moving onto my floor; maybe even a few too many at times.
11 June 2019
Alison Vellender
This year at Marquette University, I lived on a Coed freshman/sophomore floor. My Dorm I had always had a deep desire for a brother but never knew I would gain so many when I moved onto Floor 9. There were ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade midnight Mac and Nugs for the world. If you know, you know. The five things I quickly discovered about living with boys:
The Boys Get Butthurt if They Aren't Included in Spa Day or GNO
<p>Boys secretly have an interest in what the hell takes girls a century to get ready. They want to have the luxury and experience of getting pampered and gossiping too! You bet they'll be banging on the door when they catch wind of what's happening without them.<a href="" target="_blank">Spa Day @ Home DIY</a> </p>
There never fails to be a funny day on a co-ed floor; that I can tell you for sure.
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