The Struggles Of Having A Resting Witch Face
A condition with no cure suffered by many
27 February
The infamous RBF is something I have and am known for. It’s kind of exhausting to be asked if you're okay all the time or being told to smile more. Girls with RBF get judged to be mean and rude much quicker than the girl who is always smiling. It’s true and just plain natural for someone who is generally smiling all the time to come off as more trustworthy and I've gotten used to it. I used to think that having a Resting Bitch Face was only a bad thing until I realized that just like anything else, it also has its perks. Having a permafrown with a piercing look comes with great power.
Sometimes you have to work for things, other times you can just glide through your day with no bothers.
Meaning that when you go to get your hair cut or your nails done, the people that are working on you, try a little harder on you than the girl that’s smiling all the time. Why? They’re nervous of what could come from messing up.
When people see you smile, they know it's genuine and not fake. They think that whatever's got her smiling, must be the worth it.
This also makes you better at communicating since you yourself have to try extra hard to make anything you say seem genuine especially when you're trying to say something nice. You become more self aware and teach yourself how not to let your face or someone else's face define something but rather let the words you or they say hold the meaning.
People are less likely to take advantage and walk all over you thanks to your natural face.
No one bothers the girl that’s got a permanent icy look on her face. They'd much rather bother the girl who looks too nice and approachable.
You look like you always know what you're doing since your face almost always has that cool exterior. It's perfect to become the HBIC.
You'll have better skin in the long run and always look younger.
To all those girls out there that consider an RBF a curse, don't. Your face holds a lot of power and you get to experience things that that the girl that's always smiling doesn't get to know about. Take advantage of your moody stare and don't apologize for it.
I'll admit it, I have a condition called RBF or, if you will, Resting Bitch Face.
Anna Kendrick, poor Kristen Stewart, the Queen of England are all life-long sufferers of RBF. Victoria Beckham even made a career out of it! And though it's usually used to describe women, some men are also afflicted. Kanye West is the best example of this.
But what is RBF? It's the slightly annoyed, slightly bored look some people happen to have on their face whenever it's not in motion. The phenomenon has been taking the internet by storm since the mock-PSA titled Bitchy Resting Face so scientist decided to find out the cause of RBF.
Jason Rogers and Abbe Macbeth are behavioral researchers at Noldus Information Technology. Sounds impressive. They used a machine to examine and catalogue 10,000 images of the human face in hopes to find the cause of RBF. After studying photos of truly expressionless faces, the computer spits out data stating there was 97 percent neutrality and 3 percent emotion. Then, they plugged in faces of celebs infamous for their RBF. The computer analyzed the photos and determined there was only 6 percent of emotion in their resting faces for both males and females. With the software being unable to pick out gender, their conclusion was that the issue with RBF is a distinctly female problem due to social norms.
As a woman, I find this particularly troubling. Why? Because thanks to my RBF, I get asked annoying question day in and day out about my emotional state when, to be quite honest, I'm perfectly fine.
Do you think you have RBF? Below are some signs you just might be one of the afflicted.
Obviously, it's not ideal to have RBF. But you've only got one face so own that frown. And to all the Emily Gilmores, Rhiannas, Kanyes and more — keep doing your thing.
Resting b***h face. Defined as a person, usually a girl, who naturally looks mean when her face is expressionless, without meaning to. Many of you suffer from this "condition." You are commonly asked what's wrong, when nothing is. What people don't know is that is just your facial expression. Here are some things they wish you knew.
Most of the time, you have absolutely no idea what your facial expression is. It is not directed at one person, and it doesn't usually reflect your mood.
Although people see you and automatically think that you are unhappy, chances are you aren't. I understand the confusion because your face looks the exact same.
When you actually are happy, people won't know. There is nothing more annoying than people who continuously ask what is wrong.
But after hearing that all day long, you start to get annoyed. Well you weren't mad before, but congratulations now something is actually wrong.
For those days when you really don't want to talk to people, it does come in handy. Walk around campus emphasizing the chronic face, -- it's guaranteed no one will approach you.
However, it gets frustrating because you truly are an approachable person most times. People just take one look at your face and think the absolute worst. It's not your fault you got stuck with having RBF.
People can totally tell when you fake smile. Again, you're doing it to try and be polite and show that you have emotions, but instead it looks even worse.
You are just misunderstood. Yeah sometimes you use your amazing resting b***h face to your advantage, but most of the time you are just trying to go about your day. You really don't mean to look like a b***h, you just honestly can't help it.
In case you're unaware, "resting bitch face" is the term used to describe when a person's natural, expressionless face makes it look like they are mad at the world. Whether they are walking down the street or simply spacing out thinking about what to eat for dinner, it's very easy for others to assume that this person is either upset or mad at them. Because of this, those of us with Resting Bitch Face (RBF), and especially us women, have all experienced many of the same situations and conversations, including:
Nope, my face might be mad, but I am probably not. If you're hanging out with someone or having a casual conversation, your face naturally conveys to them that you are upset. This can cause some slight confusion or tension, and it's even worse when you don't really know the person. I remember being in the dining hall freshman year and several times being asked by the person swiping me in "if I was okay." Yep, just hungry.
It's their job to stop you and either talk to you or try and hand you something, but your face acts as a natural repellent. Whether it's a religious group or just a free coupon book, everyone sees them and gets stopped at least once, especially on a college campus, but often with you they'll see you coming and not bother. Your facial expression makes you look like you were probably just going to ignore them anyway, even if you're the sweetest person and totally okay with chatting. Sometimes, though, this is a beautiful thing when you don't feel like talking or being stopped, so you've embraced the bitch face and maybe even intentionally emphasized it in these situations.
No. No no no no no. For some reason, far too many guys think it's okay to see a girl minding her own business with her naturally bitchy expression and telling them or straight up yelling at them to "smile." This is never okay, and makes us feel extremely uncomfortable if not unsafe. Just don't.
Oh, the number of times I've heard this. While it's nice to know that people do realize that you're actually a really nice person, you also recognize that every friend you've ever made didn't like you at first because they thought you were a bitch. Because of this, you make the effort to seem really nice when being introduced to someone to combat your face's natural first impression.
Similar to number three, just don't. I smile when I'm happy or have something to smile about, but if I were to walk around all day with a fake smile plastered on my face, frankly that would just look creepy. Not to mention, I'm not going to do it because you think it makes me prettier, which is just rude on so many levels.
Because makeup tends to extenuate natural facial features, that means the expression of your RBF is ten times stronger. Especially if your look features a dark lip or intense eye, there's no way to avoid it. But who cares, you look amazing and everyone else can deal with it.
Whenever someone thinks I'm upset or angry or asks what's wrong when I'm seriously just spacing out and probably thinking about cats, this is my response. Most people have heard of Resting Bitch Face syndrome, so a quick explanation usually does the trick.
I've lived a whole 21 years with an RBF (Resting Bitch Face), so naturally, I go through most of these struggles on a daily basis.
And before you ask, yes I'm fine. No, I'm not mad. This is just my face, so take it or leave it! To those of you who have been #blessed with an RBF, you'll probably relate to these more than you'd like to: