Anticipating The End Of Your First Semester, As Told By April Ludgate
"I don't want to do things. I want to not do things."
18 February
NBC Universal
Everyone who is in college right now, or has ever been, knows the struggle of pulling in the strings at the last second. It seems impossible, and you have to do a LOT of things in order to assure your future for the next semester.
April Ludgate, historically, is a very annoyed person, and she doesn't hide it. Of all the times that I binged and re-binged "Parks and Rec," her attitude relates more and more to me.
1. When you look at the syllabus and realize there are only three weeks of the semester left; even though the first day was LITERALLY yesterday.
2. You look at your grades and realize they probably aren't as high as they should be, which is a terrifying realization.
3. When you think to yourself at night, "tomorrow, I will wake up early and go to the library ALL day, and, hell, maybe after I'll go to the gym for a little bit, just to push myself that extra mile."
4. Tomorrow actually comes. The inevitable and overpowering sense of procrastination is too strong to overcome.
5. But you DO end up going to the library. Not all day though, but still, a while. But no, you do not go to the gym. Still, you made an effort, so you decide to treat yo' self.
6. When you realize you need to schedule a meeting with your adviser because you need to sign up for classes next semester. But you also realize that since you waited until the last minute, you're going to get stuck with all of the crappy classes.
7. When you low-key try to slip into conversation with your professors that you need extra credit because you're that desperate.
8. When it's already the third time you've seen your adviser in two days because you have no damn clue what you're doing and need all the help you can get.
9. When you apply for a job associated with your major even though you have no experience, but you just want to dive headfirst into the deep end of adulthood and get it over with.
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