I Am A Liberal Arts Major, But I'm Not Wasting My Time
Controversial content ahead.
Recently, I've been sensing a lot of backlash, specifically from STEM majors directed at those of us who are in the College of Liberal Arts. Majors filtered into Liberal Arts include (but are not limited to) Anthropology, English, Communication, Global Studies, and Creative/Professional/Technical Writing.
People tend to assume that Liberal Arts majors are throw-away majors, money wasting majors, or for people who don't really want to be at college. I've been told that I'm throwing my parents'/my money away by studying English instead of "studying something that matters."
Here's what's up: I'm not just messing around.
I'm not studying English to please anyone but me. I'm not throwing away four years of my life. I'm doing what I love. I'm excelling in something that I care about.
Just because I'm at a Big 10 engineering university does not mean that I have to be an engineer. It doesn't even mean I have to earn a BS. My calling is different, and who are you to judge what I'm good or not good at?
God calls every single one of us to something different. Ever heard of spiritual gifts? We're each called to something different in that way too.
I'm not skilled in math. Yes, I did well in math growing up, but now that I am able to choose where I want to spend my time, I would rather not use math in my everyday life. I am also not the best in science. But what I do succeed in is writing papers and editing.
If you talk grammar to me, I swear we will be best friends.
I'm studying something that people cannot understand. I'm studying writing and the power behind words and grammar. Don't tell me that what I'm studying isn't important. I see that you forgot that Oxford comma when you were listing the reasons I should be studying something in STEM.
I don't have to do math or sit in a lab all day every day to know that what I am doing is valuable. And I certainly don't have to rely on what someone else says about my major in order to feel accomplished.
I know that I cannot please everyone. It's impossible, and I'm learning that. I'm someone who stresses about making everyone happy. I want people to like me, just as most people do. I don't want people to think less of me for studying writing, but if they do, then that's okay.
Because sometimes, people cannot be pleased.
I'm not wasting my time studying Professional Writing. I'm wasting my time if I try to please everyone around me.