Top 3 Response Articles of This Week
Read the articles driving big conversations on Odyssey.
At Odyssey, we're on a mission to encourage constructive discourse on the Internet. Our community is a safe space for students to share their opinions on the topics that matter most to them. That's why we created the response button you can find at the bottom of every article.
Last week, our response writers shared their thoughts on a variety of topics here on our homepage. Here are the top three response articles:
How Overthinking Has Impacted My Life by Marissa Leigh Voss
Some tips and tricks to curbing those intrusive thoughts.
This was a response to Inside The Mind Of An Overthinker.
The Vision I Thought I Knew by Jennifer Starr
When the vision does not always match reality.
This was a response to Everyone Should Have an Inspiration Board.
The Importance Of Museums by Emily Templeton
Winter break is a great time for college students to explore the museums around them during their travels.
This was a response to 15 American Museums To Visit After The Pandemic
Congratulations to all the writers! We'll continue to spotlight top response articles on the homepage every week.
We've also launched Overheard on Odyssey, a brand new newsletter to highlight the articles driving big conversations on Odyssey every week. Click here to subscribe!
We're still recruiting response writers, and we want to hear what you have to say! Writing responses is a great way to build engagement for your work. You could be compensated by HQ at $10/response for your first 10 articles.
If you're interested in writing responses or have feedback on the response button, please write to We're looking forward to hearing from you!