Student Life
Earn My JD And 20 Other Things I Will Accomplish In My Next 20 Years
Here's to 2038
13 August 2018
I turned 20 a few weeks ago and of course, I thought this would be a great time to think about all of the things that I am going to in my next 20 years in no true particular order.
1. Graduate college
2. Get my Master's Degree
3. Earn my J.D.
4. Become an aunt
5. Get a job at a law firm
6. Get married
7. Have a baby
8. Foster to adopt a child
9. Win my first trial
10. Grant a child their forever home
11. Win hundreds of more trials
12. Change the way the foster care system operates
13. Become a judge
14. Buy my mom a house
15. Buy my own house
16. Raise my children to be kind and compassionate
17. Volunteer in foreign countries and around the nation
18. Spend a holiday at a soup kitchen
19. Vacation in Europe
20. Visit every state
21. Learn to be happy with the way things are
What do you want to do by the time you're 40?
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