10 Ways To Spot The True Difference Between 'Just A Boy' And 'A Real Man'
"BE A MAN" — Mulan
A few months ago my grandfather asked if I was dating anyone and I responded, "No, I haven't had much luck with the boys these days", his response was, "Well, then wait till you meet a man".
For some crazy and strange reason, I tended to be interested in the guys that "acted too cool for school", because I saw it as a fun challenge to break through that hard exterior. The second shocking tidbit, which was much to my surprise after breaking through that exterior, you're still dealing with the same guy, aka a boy.
The following are 10 ways to help you tell the difference between a boy and a man.
1. A boy talks, a man communicates.
2. A boy is intimidated by your accomplishments, a man is inspired by them.
3. Boys makes excuses, men make plans.
4. A boy thinks he has all the answers, a man realizes he still has a lot to learn.
5. A boy is posessive, a man is protective.
6. A boy wants one to please him, a man wants to please THE one.
7. A boy says how much he cares, a man lives it everyday.
8. A boy thinks about what he's gonna say next, a man listens.
9.A boy looks at a girl as fun for the night, a man knows he's looking at his future.
10. A boy is concerned about you always being comfortable, a man doesn't let you give up on your dreams.
To all the men that helped me write this, thank you for setting such a high example. Showing me that you shouldn't lower your standards, but a man will rise to the occasion.
To the boys who helped me write this, thank you and I hope this helps, once you're a man, you'll be lucky enough to deserve an amazing woman, who should treat you with all the same respect and maturity. This isn't to put down the past boys in my life, they are after all just boys, and you can't expect them to be something they are not. I just hope the right woman comes along to help them be the man they have the potential to be, that just won't be me.