The Law of Attraction Absolutely Works
I've personally witnessed the power of it in my own life
There's a reason "mind over matter" is a cliché. It works.
I personally have witnessed the power of the Law of Attraction in my own life, or Manifesting Positive Energy. For me, being in a spiritual place helps too, it gets the mind right.
With the mind thinking positively:
Moved to a big city where I knew no one, and succeeded
Fulfilled lifelong dream of travel to Europe in a window that was perfect for that
Met the love of my life online and got married
Acquired full-time jobs through positive networking via social media
Paid off my student loans within an ideal timeframe
Had countless positive experiences while reading the Bible in 100 days
I am a positive person, an optimistic person. Even when things don't seem so great, I can find something positive. This has been part of my personality for a long time. This is where I see the success.
I don't think good things "just happen to you." I'm of the opinion "you create your own luck." Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you have a positive outlook, you will live positively and good things will come to you. Karma is real.
Even the darkest storms pass. But also, everything living has an end in this world; there are finite timelines. Therefore, enjoy what we have, the time that we have, while we have it.
You might call the mindset goal-oriented. Or you might just call it Manifesting Positive Energy, or the Law of Attraction. If you will for it, if you want it bad enough, if you reflect on it in a positive way over a period of time, the Universe / Creator does provide. I've witnessed this and personally experienced it.
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