There Is So Much Beauty In The Fourth Of July Despite The Blazing Hot Temperatures
Because what other time could you be sweating from every pore in your body but still be having a good time?
July fourth is arguably one of the hottest and most American holidays there is. Families and friends come together to celebrate the day of the United States' independence. The whole town comes out to the same place, at the same time, to sit in the burning hot sun and watch the commencement of the celebration parade.
Old cars drive through, fire trucks and police cars blare their sirens, pageant princesses and little misses wave from their glorious floats, high school bands play with the sunlight gleaming off their instruments, and horses prance through the street.
Even with so many amazing things going by, everyone's attention is always on something else. Retired veterans from every branch of the military drive or walk by, proudly wearing their hats and waving at everyone they pass. These are the people that you're going to want to pay attention to, out of respect if nothing else.
Just about every other car throws out candy and little kids scramble to get some before it disappears. It's a race to get the most and the best pieces. Clearly, this is the highlight of their morning and it keeps them quiet until siblings start fighting over who got what. Although by the end of the day, all you've got is hard bubble gum and partially unwrapped dum-dums.
Once the last sirens die out the majority of the crowd begins to trickle away. Some go to the pool or the beach and get a tan, and others take it easy all day, but most will be grilling out on this night. Hot dogs, hamburgers, and apple pie are served and the adults kick back with a beer to watch the children play and run around in their red, white, and blue outfits.
Chances are the local park will hold family-friendly festivities that evening, including face painting and sketchy amusement rides. People are posing for pictures at every turn and the sound of overlapping chatter and laughing never dies down.
As the temperature begins to drop a couple degrees kids and adults alike light up sparklers and draw pictures or words in the air, creating fairytale-like memories that will carry on anytime you think of the Fourth of July.
Finally, when dusk starts to settle in it is time for the long-awaited fireworks. The best spots in town fill up within in minutes to watch the show, but really it's pretty good from nearly anywhere you choose. Family pets are hurried inside to avoid any mishaps or runways and then the sky lights up with beautiful colors and designs.
The last fireworks are always the best because the town always makes sure to have a very grand finale. By the time they end, it's late at night and everyone is tired but in a good way. Some people might be sunburnt and some might be getting a tad grumpy, yet no one seems to really care that much. It ends up to be a great day had by all, and hopefully, nobody forgets the true meaning and importance of this summer holiday.