Poetry On Odyssey: Allow Introspection To Grow You Internally
Allow introspection to become a daily practice.
26 February 2023
I heard God say
that introspection
is a gift.
It is wrapped in a bow,
with holes
from His hands.
It carries self-awareness
and stars that breathe
light into the night.
The fall leaves
fall off of trees
to communicate
to self that it is time
to weed out the fear
and anxiety.
The summer sun answers
prayers that our hearts
only hear through tears
and self-focus.
God wants introspection
to heal what affects us
God wants introspection
that grows our internal.
God wants introspection
because it creates an awareness
of who we are becoming.
Live, breathe, and submit
to introspection. Let it grow
a deeper connection
to the air in heaven.
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