Instant Gratification May Be Ruining Millennials
I bet you wanna find that out in less than a minute!
Let me guess how you landed here.
You were probably taking a break from studying or maybe just surfing through websites on your way to work.
Isn't it so convenient to have the world at your fingertips?
Well, I'll walk you through our tech-equipped generation real quick and let you to decide.
I just opened a search engine to resolve a math doubt and an hour later I'm checking out sponge cake recipes.
Fun Fact: I don't even bake!
Sounds familiar?
As per the recent researches, human attention span has plummeted below that of a goldfish.
We tend to get distracted so quickly these days given the mammoth amount of choices to pick from.
Another inhibition feeding the anxiety bug is this prevalent term called FOMO (fear of missing out). With all the social media websites aimed at bringing the world closer; it has gotten a bit too connected- sometimes invading into people's personal spaces. And sadly this is intriguing to us; wanting to know all that goes on in the life of others, especially celebrities we look up to.
The fact that we can instantly text a friend, book a table, plan a trip, reschedule vacations or cancel plans with a mere click has made us impatient to bear the pace of life.
We look for faster options and do not want to wait. With binge watching becoming a popular teenage "way of life" going out to theaters with friends is now history. A family bonding over festive shopping has reduced to Amazon parcels at the doorstep. Helping mom with dishes is replaced by a guaranteed 20-minute pizza delivery.
We no longer appreciate the beauty of mysteries because seeking answers has become so simple.
Call it old school but love is the best when taken slow. So I would want to end this by saying how I feel about the pace at which things are advancing:
For once I want to tell you
all that you ever meant to me
But not just spend those moments
In the instant texts hastily
Rather paint in ink
All that I have ever felt
And dream of it, for just a little more
Till it reaches you and reciprocates.
For once I want to wait.
And I want to live it while it lasts
Reminiscing, replaying every memory from the past.
While you draft for me a promise wrapped in rhyming lines
I'll anticipate what future beholds
in sweet anxieties dressed as butterflies!