15 Things You Text Your College Roommate If You’re Both Contemplating Going To The Gym
Roommates can be great sources of motivation, but they can also talk you out of any plans if you don't really want to do them.
The best part of having a roommate in college is that they're there to do things with you whenever you want. When you both want to workout, but both of you don't have the motivation to go alone, odds are you have a conversation similar to this.
What time are you free to go?
If you want to work out with someone, odds are your roommate is going to be the first person you text about it.
Can we get food after?
Is it better to do homework or go to the gym?
What if I just take a nap instead of doing either of those?
Sometimes you want to be productive, but other times you just want to take a nap. Your roommate will either motivate you to go, or agree that a nap is better for the both of you.
I haven't worked out yet this semester...
Sometimes, it's just so busy that working out is something that just gets shoved aside. Your roommate won't judge you for telling the truth about your workout schedule.
What if I just buy new workout clothes instead?
It's a lot easier to online shop than to find the motivation to go to the gym.
Is there enough space for me to do yoga in the dorm room?
I would go to the gym a lot more if it wasn't a workout to get there.
The biggest issue with a big campus is that you have to walk so far to get to the gym, it's almost a workout just to get there.
I really want to try this workout class, but I don't want to go alone.
Roommates do everything together, and no one wants to try things alone in college.
I'm leaving in five minutes, with or without you.
Please don't make me go alone
We all knew it was a hollow threat that you would leave without your roommate.
I'll buy you food if you go with me
I'm just going to do a small workout in my room
We NEED to workout today
Eventually, one of you will decide that there are no excuses are the two of you just need to leave and go do what you said you would.
We should work out together at this time every week
This is a nice idea, even though most of the time it doesn't pan out. Some weeks are super busy, and others you just have plans that you didn't anticipate during the time you said you would work out.