What Animal You Should Be Based On Your Zodiac
Lions and bears and... rabbits? Oh, my.
If you're like me, you love knowing what your zodiac says about you. True or not. So, here are all the zodiacs as animals. Enjoy.
Virgo - Rabbit
You're quiet and don't take center stage, just like rabbits. You're neither depended, or independent.
Libra - Dog
You are loyal and social, just like man's best friend!
Scorpio - Snake
You're brave and passionate, but also secretive.
Sagittarius - Owl
You love your freedom more than anything else.
Capricorn - Elephant
You're reliable and responsible, and you value family over everything.
Aquarius - Pig
You're quiet and shy, and meeting new people makes you uncomfortable, but once you get to know them - you are the energy machine.
Pisces - Dolphin
Everyone adores you, because you are compassionate and gentle.
Aries - Wolf
You're a leader and you are always in your pack.
Taurus - Bear
Just like bears, you like a schedule and aren't afraid to work for what you want.
Gemini - Gorilla
Social, curious, gentle and affectionate are all words that describe you.
Cancer - Cat
You're a loyal person, but also tend to go off on your own more times than not
Leo - Lion
You love that people admire you - your the king/queen of the humans