A List Of 26 Little Things That I Am Grateful For
Just a small part of a much longer list.
For the past few months, I have not been my usual happy-go-lucky-self for a number of reasons, but one thing that has been helping me is to think about all of the little things in my life that I am thankful for. I know this might seem really cliché, but it is so true. I cannot stress enough how much better I feel when I think about all the great people and privileges I have in my life. It makes all of the insignificant things that I am stressing about or worrying about in my head seem not nearly as bad. I have decided to make a list of 26 things (out of many more) in my life that I am especially thankful for.
1. Sunshine
2. My Health
Being in nursing school and being around sick people so much makes me especially thankful for my health.
3. My Mom
My mom does so much for me and she does not nearly receive the credit that she deserves! She is literally a superhero. She does it all: cleans the house, cooks dinner, and plays taxi driver and nurse when I am sick. She has always been my number one supporter, making sure that she gets to as many cheerleading competitions, band concerts, and track meets as she possibly can! I have no clue what I would do without her! I would give the world to my mom if I could!
4. My Dad
I am thankful for my dad because he is always concerned for my safety while I am away at school and when I am home too! I constantly call my dad with the most random questions, usually when something is wrong with my car, and although he laughs at me sometimes (okay most of the time), he always does everything he can to help me out. I am thankful that my dad (and my mom too) taught me all about respect and the importance of working hard.
5. My Sisters
I am so thankful that I am able to grow up with two little sisters who I love so much. I wouldn’t trade them for the world!
6. College
I am a firm believer that it is a privilege, not a right, to attend college. There are so many people who would like to attend college, but are unable to due to the financial burden it creates. This is why I am so thankful for the opportunity to attend a great school and receive an excellent education in order to better my future.
7. My House
I am incredibly thankful for my home. My dad and my grandfather built our house in 1998, and have since expanded upon it. My parents work hard to keep the house running smoothly: my dad cuts firewood to keep us warm in the winter and my mom immaculately cleans the house and makes sure that there is always good food on the table. It is so comforting to know that I always have such a welcoming house to come home to.
8. My Job
I love both of my jobs, and I especially love getting paid to watch sports! I am thankful for my jobs not only because they allow me to have money to buy the things I want and/or need, but because they instill a sense of responsibility and dependability in me.
9. My Car
I am thankful for my car because it gets me where I need to go and gives me freedom!
10. My Roommate
I’m thankful for my roommate and her ability to always keep me smiling even on the worst of days and all of our crazy adventures!
11. Coffee
Obviously no explanation is needed here. COFFEE = HAPPINESS.
12. Puppies
Who doesn’t love puppies? I am thankful for my puppy Mocha and all of the joy and snuggles she gives me!
13. When my favorite song comes on the radio
14. Warm summer nights and bonfires
15. Good Food
16. Netflix
Derek Shepherd on "Grey’s Anatomy"… need I say more?
17. Long runs
Runner’s high is real and amazing.
18. A good night’s sleep
And even better than that, waking up feeling refreshed and ready to go!
19. Outdoor concerts
20. Waking up on Christmas morning
I love seeing my little sister wake up with excitement on Christmas morning!
21. Hitting all the green lights when I am late for work
22. The opportunity to act like a little kid again
23. Catching up with family and friends I have not seen in awhile
24. When I wake up before my alarm and can roll over and go back to sleep
25. My safety
Police officers get so much denunciation these days it seems. I am forever thankful of their service along with all other first responders.
26. My freedom
When you are having a bad day or going through a rough patch, it can be hard sometimes to remember all of the great things in your life that you are grateful for. I encourage you all to try listing all of the things that make you smile or make your life a little bit easier the next time you are feeling down in the dumps. It works wonders!