It's Possible To Work Full-Time And Still Get A's, I Do It
School is a priority and I am proud of the work I've put into it...but my main priority is having a full life.
For starters, I would like to highlight the fact that I am 21, I just bought a house with my husband, I work 2 jobs and I am a full-time student. I work two jobs which average to about 60 hours a week, sometimes more. I do this because I truly enjoy being able to travel the world with my husband and the more I work...the more money I have to spend on trips. However, as a student, this can sometimes take a tole. Somehow I have survived this far and done a pretty good job of it, in fact...I have all A's!
1. My Friends and Family are Supportive
I am lucky in the sense that I have a very supportive husband and family who understand that sometimes I may blow them off to get homework done or go to class. However, some of my friends are less accepting of the fact that I don't want to go party every weekend, I want to snuggle up on the couch and write an essay...okay, maybe I don't WANT to do that, but I have priorities…
2. I Prioritize
As I said, I will sometimes stay home all weekend to work on assignments. But not always. My priority is my health and happiness. I make sure I know when I'm getting burnt out and need a quick break. I'll go to lunch with my mom, grab tea at Scented Leaf with a friend or even just have a quick snuggle with my cat. This will recharge my batteries enough to help me finish that 16-page paper due on Monday.
3. Talk to my Boss
If I have an assignment due next class period or a couple chapters of a textbook I need to read by Thursday that I simply don't have time for outside of work I will sometimes go and tell my boss, "hey I've got all my current work done, if something comes up I'll be on top of it but...I have some homework I need to do." For the most part, he is understanding and allows me to work on anything I need to do. That's only one of my jobs though. My other one is a little less understanding. And by that, I mean...they get mad if I even talk about classes. It's a balancing act, to say the least.
4. I Sleep
Instead of staying up all night to work on an assignment, I will go to sleep on time and work on it at some point the next day. I know for a fact that if I am awake at 2am working on an assignment it is going to take me twice as long to finish it as it would if I was working on it at 11am the next day after a full nights sleep. Rest is important to function correctly and you'll do your best work after a good nights sleep.
5. Study
Actually, I don't study. If I spent time studying I would literally have no time to eat, sleep or breathe. I know that's probably not the best thing, but it works for me. I study right before a big test, or I'll browse through my notes for 10 minutes or so every couple days, but apart from the occasional studying, I just don't do it. Eventually I will need to make time to study when classes get harder, but instead I just pay as much attention as possible when I learn something for the first time and usually it pays off.
I understand that what works for me may not work for anyone else on the planet, and I also know that I am very lucky in the fact that I have a support system that puts up with my three week long disappearances. I work my ass off to do the things I love. It's because of my work ethic that I own a house at 21. I get to travel anywhere I want without feeling like I owe someone because I worked for it all myself. School is a priority and I am proud of the work I've put into it...but my main priority is having a full life. One that I enjoy, appreciate and love. The best part is knowing that it's all mine.