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I am sorry Whataburger just isn't that good
22 October 2022
Hailey Hastings via Canva
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I am sorry Whataburger just isn't that good
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In honor of breasts everywhere.
October is one of the few months women actually welcome the idea of having their breasts looked at. Do not be surprised when a woman stops you and says, "My eyes are down here." Of course, I am speaking of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For those who are bearing the weight of this disease or know a family member or friend who is or has, here is lighthearted memorandum on those mammary glands.
Small, medium, large, large and in charge, breasts come in a variety of shapes and sizes. It is also normal for one breast to be larger than the other. You can thank your momma for that, but do not worry. Whether you think they are too tiny or too big, no one is giving them a second thought. Hang them low, hang them high, you get to flaunt those snowflakes any way you want.
Despite what you heard, the breasts are not primarily made of fat. Their are connective, fibrous tissues with glands and ducts that provide milk through the nipples. After a certain age though, they run dry and become fat. This gives you enough time to tell those Got Milk? ads to give your milk jugs a spotlight for a change.
Gaining weight or losing weight could increase or decrease the size of your breasts. Depending on the amount of fatty tissue present, breast size will vary. A number of other factors take part in the size of your chesticles as well. Pregnancy, periods, breast-feeding, sex. A certain Italian plumber cannot compete with these motherly magic mushrooms.
We all know breasts cannot help fighting gravity during exercise. The example that comes to mind and once in a while appears running down the sidewalk is a jogger with her gal pals running away from her, up to eight inches away from her. That is right, breasts will wander away from you with a mind of their own in a figure eight path. When you go for a workout, make sure you are wearing a sports bra.
If a man is staring at your boobs, that is its own compliment. Of course, if you think about it, it could be that your boobs are staring at him. They do look like eyes and they are mesmerizing enough to get lost in. Enough to lose sight of your personality, even your entire body. You cannot help it that they are the first part of you that walks into a room. They mean business and so do you.
Women are not the only ones who can contract breast cancer. With genetics playing a factor, aging, benign breast issues, radiation and estrogen exposure, and alcohol consumption can lead to breast cancer in both women and men. Treat those puppies in the pet shop window right and get a screening to catch any early signs, my sisters and brothers.
If you smoke, the elasticity or elastin in your breasts will suffer and create drooping breasts. Breastfeeding will only increase the size of your breasts. Do your breasts a favor and put down the cancer on a stick and pick up a baby to feed instead.
Inverted nipples are a response to bonding underlying tissue to the base of the nipples. They can be inverted in either direction and are not usually a cause for alarm. They can in some instances be a sign of breast cancer, where a tumor has pulled the tissue of the nipple in an inverted direction.
No, breasts are not the female mood ring, but the menstrual cycle is (joking). Breasts, for instance, can become red or redder after sex while a breastfeeding midwife or nurse would have blue breasts, and in old age, black-colored breasts. Taste the rainbow, but do not overdue it.
United States breasts to be exact. In the last few decades, bra size has went from a 34B to a 34DD. That means a lot more than 80 days around the world, or two worlds with two lonely islands.
If it is not old age, there is plenty of ways your boobs will fall to the floor eventually. Mother nature's gravity will be happy to help that fall. Smoking again brings its toll and so does sleep. Avoid sleeping on your stomach to prevent premature sagging and changes to the shape of your breasts, ladies.
Less than 7% of the world's population has a third nipple, that is, extra breast tissue. Lactation and menstruation sensitivity is also a possibility. Two is company, three is a crowd, and what a crowd-pleaser a third makes too.
Breast enlargement is the most popular form of plastic surgery in the United States. While it costs an arm and a leg, the procedure has been keeping strong since its first breast implant in 1962. Silicone, natural, whatever makes you feel beautiful and comfortable with your breasts is a kind investment.
Unlike other animals whose breasts grow only when they breastfeed, humans' breasts are permanent and continue to grow and change over time. Breasts start development long before puberty and grow larger during menstruation and pregnancy. How is that for an adaptation, Darwin? How do you like them apples, Newton?
Inverted is only one of four types of nipples. There are particularly perky or protruding nipples that look like a rocket exiting our atmosphere to discover new nipples. There are flat nipples for when you need a smooth, even landing. Puffy nipples, lastly, provide a plush cushion for those rough bouts of rubbing. Like their breasts, nipples all have their perks.
That is just an average though. Breasts look like eyes but that is not their only optical illusion. Some breasts are small but weigh more than they look. Imagine carrying around a pair of melons or a loaf of bread attached to your chest. That is what it is like having breasts.
Mother's milk supports brain development in babies earlier and faster in infancy. Improvements in cognitive skills such as environmental awareness, language-speaking, and motor control follow in breastfed babies. Plus, you can breastfeed a baby for up to six months before solid food is introduced. Do not think twice about it, give suck to a babbler and turn him or her into a Shakespeare or Woolf!
The breast can change up to six times in a woman's life. The problem women face is the wrong bra size. Bras are often too large in the cup, making the breasts disproportionate and less firm and lifted. It is important to wear the right size bra to accommodate the changes in your breasts; wearing the next size down is recommended.
Only babies can smell the Montgomery's glands or tiny bumps on the areola or ring of color surrounding the nipples. They smell of amniotic fluid, aiding the baby in finding the source of the breast milk. Pretty sweet deal.
From sex symbols to actresses, no one can ignore a healthy pair of shining stars. Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Dolly Parton, the list goes on and will continue no doubt. That is not to say their busts are the most important assets. We just noticed is all and kept at it long enough to capture it for future reference. A timeline of teats for the horny historian.
Body art and bedazzling on top of the curves and lines of the female form makes for double the beauty. Some women in their maternity get their stomach's painted but have painted their entire bodies for pregnancy photoshoots. It is just another way to express your body while being half-nude at the same time.
If you have not outgrown stuffing your bra with tissue paper, it is time for a more helpful alternative with makeup. Take some bronzer, and coat it over the shadows and dark areas of your breasts; the cleavage will be the place to do it. If you want to grab some glow, use highlighter and contour them. Voilà! Your breasts now look fuller than a bronze statue.
There is nothing wrong with letting your boobs getting some breathing room. In fact, it is better every once in a while to have them hang loose for a while. If you are worried about having it look like your smuggling raisins under your shirt, no worries. Nipple concealers, like New Delhi and Krunchals, work wonders.
A breast massage creates circulation of new blood and keeps your immune system detoxed and running smoothly. Tenderness and swelling is reduced and emotional and sensual stability is increased as well. You do not have to go to a spa for a full-body massage either. You can massage them at home yourself since no one knows your girls like you do.
Face it, you are hungry like the wolf and so is the significant other you have or are after. Nothing like a striptease or a topless surprise to curve each other's appetites. You feel sexy for acknowledging your boobs and what they can do for your partner too.
Whether you want to send nudes, that is your call, but some women like to photograph themselves and their youth when they still have it. Think of it as a nice mammary slash memory scrapbook, just for you.
Know that your breasts are natural and normal no matter their size or shape. There is nothing wrong with getting breast enhancements to make them feel natural and normal either. Whatever breasts your working with, celebrate them.
Sometimes we do not think about them or even take them for granted, but there are some women who have no choice but to fight for them and themselves. From one breast friend to another, consider giving a donation to support research and women for Breast Cancer Awareness month. In the meantime, check your breasts personally or get checked professionally.
Men have nicknames for their ball-peen hammers (Ping and Pong, Gonzo, Mr. Johnson and the Juice Crew, etc.) but your lovely ladies need nicknames too. They could be innocent names with a hint of sultry like, Thumbelina and Princess Areola. Have fun with your new bosom buddies.
Mast-o for mastectomy, mamm-o for mammography, and a historical and badass name, maz-o, which means "amazon" or "without a breast." Maz-o comes from the Brazilian female warriors of the Amazon who, legend says, cut off their breasts to improve their archery. A bit drastic, maybe Rambo-level drastic, but still badass.
Well, 99 words for boobs but it is the thought that counts. The amount of metaphors for a body part is remarkable. Double Whoppers, Ta-tas, there is plenty to choose from. Picasso's squares is my personal favorite word for boobs. I suggest you brush up on your breast vocabulary, you never know when you will be met by a pair of Elmer Fudds.
Breasts are the best, so let us keep them that way.
"We could see fishless oceans by 2048."
Recently there has been a huge push for the removal of plastic straws to "save the turtles." Plastic has become a major conversation when it comes to the impact it has on the environment but is plastic the only thing harming the environment?
The answer to that question is heck to the no.
The clothes you wear, the car you drive, the house you live in, the food you eat, it all has an impact on the environment. Plastic is just one of the hundreds of factors that encourage the decline of our earth. Every decision you make has an impact on the earth.
Everyone who is conscious of their impact on the environment by not using a straw, it's great that you're deciding to help the earth a little, but what if there really was more than you could do, that can make an even greater impact!
You have to look at the bigger picture.
My main focus of change in this article is consuming fewer animal products, and maybe consider going vegan. It's such an incredible lifestyle filled with passion and so much accomplishment. When you make the change, you are putting other creatures before yourself.
Here is some food for thought, all these facts are straight from Conspiracy, an incredible documentary that dives deep into the impact of animal agriculture on our environment. I've seen it 5 times now and every time I learn something new.
It's not just cars and other forms of transportation hurting our atmosphere.
Goodland, R Anhang, J. "Livestock and Climate Change: What if the key actors in climate change were pigs, chickens and cows?"
150 years and more of damage done.. wow.
"Livestock' Long Shadow: environmental issues and options". FAO. Rome. 2006
That water you're saving by taking shorter showers is nothing compared to the amount of water you could save if you reduced your meat intake.
"How Important is Irrigation to U.S. Agriculture?" USDA: Economic Research Service. 12 October, 2016
Home Water Works estimates that an average American used 17.2 gallons of water per shower. 17.2 gallons for a shower compared to an average of 2,500 gallons for one pound of beef???? Insane.
For more reference, an infographic provided by Cowspiracy states, 1 hamburger = 660 gallons of water = 2 months of showering.
"(NOTE. The amount of water used to produce 1lb. of beef vary greatly from 442 - 8000 gallons. We choose to use in the film the widely cited conservative number of 2500 gallons per pound of US beef from Dr. George Borgstrom, Chairman of Food Science and Human Nutrition Dept of College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University, "Impacts on Demand for and Quality of land and Water." )"
Robbins, John. "2,500 gallons all wet?" Earth Save: Healthy People Healthy Planet.
"Water Content of Things: Data Table 19". The World's Water 2008-2009
"Water". Environmental Working Group.
"Water footprint of crop and animal products: a comparison". Water Footprint Network. (New)
You thought it was just meat didn't you? Nope. All animal products have a huge impact on the environment.
"Water". Environmental Working Group.
"Food Facts: How Much Water Does it Take to Produce...?" Water Education Foundation. (New)
Meat, eggs, cheese, and now milk!
Hoekstra, Arjen Y. "The water footprint of food". Water for Food.
Jacobson, Michael F. "Six Arguments For a Greener Diet: How a More Plant-based Diet Could Save Your Health and the Environment. Chapter 4: More and Cleaner Water". Washington, DC: Center for Science in the Public Interest, 2006.
This ones a kicker.
"Animal agriculture contributes to species extinction in many ways. In addition to the monumental habitat destruction caused by clearing forests and converting land to grow feed crops and for animal grazing, predators and "competition" species are frequently targeted and hunted because of a perceived threat to livestock profits. The widespread use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers used in the production of feed crops often interferes with the reproductive systems of animals and poison waterways. The overexploitation of wild species through commercial fishing, bushmeat trade as well as animal agriculture's impact on climate change, all contribute to global depletion of species and resources. [XIX]"
"What is a dead zone?" National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
"What Causes Ocean 'Dead Zones'?" Scientific American
"Nutrient Pollution: The Problem". Environmental Protection Agency
"Livestock's Long Shadow". Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. 2006
Hogan, C Michael. "Causes of Extinction". The Encyclopedia of Earth. June 13, 2014
"The Habitable Planet. Unit 9: Biodiversity Decline// Section 7: Habitat Loss: Causes and Consequences". Annenberg Learner
"Impact of habitat loss on species". WWF Global
Machovina, Brian, et al. "Biodiversity conservation: The key is reducing meat consumption". Science of the Total Environment 536 (2015) 419-431
"Risk Management Evaluation for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations". U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2004Hance, Jeremy. "How humans are driving the sixth mass extinction". The Guardian. 20 October 2015 (New)
Wilcove, David S, et al. "Quantifying Threats to Imperiled Species in the United States". BioScience. Vol. 48, No. 8 (Aug., 1998) pp. 607-615 (New)
2,500 cows = 411,000 people...
Im not just talking about farm animals, there's also major concern about the fish. Worm, Boris, et al. "Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services". Science. Vol 314. 3 November 2006
Roach, John. "Seafood May Be Gone by 2048, Study Says". National Geographic News. November 2, 2006
Montaigne, Fen. "Still Waters: The Global Fish Crisis". National Geographic
Think of all those beautiful dolphins and whales you see in the aquariums, they're being effected by fishing too.
"Discard and bycatch in Shrimp trawl fisheries". FAO: Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
Bellantonio, Marisa, et al. "The Ultimate Mystery Meat: Exposing the Secrets Behind Burger King and Global Meat Production". Mighty Earth (New)
Oppenlander, Richard A. Food Choice and Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won't Work. . Minneapolis, MN : Langdon Street, 2013. Print.
See all the change that one day can make. Imagine a lifetime of veganism.
"Meat Eater's Guide to Climate Change and Health". Environmental Working Group. 2011
"How much have you saved?" The Vegan Calculator (New)
Ogden, Lillie. "The Environmental Impact of a Meat-Based Diet". Vegetarian Times. (New)
Oppenlander, Richard A. Food choice and Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won't Work. Minneapolis, MN : Langdon Street, 2013. Print.
I know that's a lot I just threw in there, but they're all incredible statistics and facts that are needed to understand exactly what goes into your food and why the change is necessary.
I applaud everyone who decides to make changes in their lives for the benefit of our earth, but there is always more that can be done, a step farther, a change that NEEDS to be done.
I was vegetarian for 7 years, and finally, around this time last year decided to go full vegan, a vegan lifestyle, from the food I eat to the products I buy, all free of any cruelty or animal products. It's a big change, but necessary. I have also decided to be more conscious about the impact my clothing has on the environment, and now I only buy second-hand items. That in itself is a hard switch because our society is so swallowed up by consumerism, it's an addiction that was very hard to fight against, and still is, but it's so powerful.
When you are changing your lifestyle for the benefit of someone else, whether an animal or the earth as a whole, it's such an incredible feeling because you're giving up your selfish desires for something so much greater than you, and it's so worth it.
If you've made it this far, I challenge you to try something different tomorrow, maybe choose a meat or dairy free meal instead of your usual, explore your options, do some research. I promise it will only be positive, there is nothing negative about changing something for the benefit of something much larger than you.
For more information on the effects of animal agriculture on our environment, I highly encourage everyone to watch Cowspiracy!
I have added the infographic because it is FILLED with amazing information, give it a look through!
Cowspiracy Infographicstatic1.squarespace.com
Creating a healthier lifestyle for yourself is difficult at first, and requires a lot of discipline, but I promise eventually it gets easier!
Many make the New Years Resolution that they want to get healthier. However, by this point in the year, many have given up. . I used to be the same way, until I started implementing these things into my routine.
For the first month or two, going to the gym and eating healthier will feel like a chore. However,If you keep up with it, you will soon realize that it has just become a daily routine. It will start to feel weird not going to the gym after class every day, or not meal prepping Sunday night. When you get to the point where these "chores" become part of your daily life, you are on your way to creating an all around healthier lifestyle for yourself
It is enough to set goals, but you should be actively tracking and attempting to achieve your goals. My favorite method is simply creating a note in my food with three goals I would like to achieve, like "squat 120lbs". Then every week, I attempt to get closer and closer to that goal – I add weight to my squats and challenge myself with every workout. If your goal is to lose weight, try to track small changes you make every week to achieve that, like taking the stairs, walking to class, drinking more water, or adding an extra day of working out to your routine!
Going to the gym alone can be very scary, especially if you have no idea what you are doing. A great way to overcome this fear is to bring a friend a long! You guys can work together, challenge each other, and keep each other updated on your goals. A lot of the time it is easier to stay more disciplined if you have someone depending on you, like your roommate waiting for you guys to go grocery shopping so you guys can meal prep together, is all you need to keep you on track with your goals
I get asked what it means to be a vegan all the time, so in light of those who have trouble understanding, here's an article defining a few different types.
Coming to a college full of new people, I couldn't tell you the number of times I hear, "Wait, are you vegetarian or vegan?" It's a question we all get, and sometimes people don't even know what those phrases are. Another, "What does that even mean?" They get mixed up, thrown around, and ranted about in my daily life, and it's quite a trip. I explain over and over again the differences, what I am, and why I am vegan, but the questions always come again.
For those of you who are still confused, I'll help you out a little.
Here is a list of some different dietary types, and what they mean.
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash
Veganism, easily defined, is the lack of meat, dairy, or any animal product from your diet. Honey, milk, eggs, chicken, bacon, pork, steak, beef, etc., are all items vegans don't eat. Many go even further by buying only animal-free and cruelty-free (not animal tested) makeups, body products, clothing, and more. A devoted vegan checks every product used or consumed to make sure it's free of anything animal related. The Vegan Society defines Veganism as, "A way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose."
A vegan diet can also be referred to as a plant-based diet, with all the same aspects, but some plant-based people may not focus on any other products than food.
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
Sweet and simple, vegetarians just don't eat meat. This does not include dairy or egg. They can still eat macaroni and cheese, just no more cheeseburgers or steaks. Vegetarian is pretty straight forward in the fact that they only lack the meat aspect of a diet!
Similar to vegetarians, pescatarians eat no meat except fish. They allow themselves to consume kinds of fish, just not beef, pork, or other types of meat.
Photo by Lefteris kallergis on Unsplash
My definition of a flexitarian is someone who keeps to a mostly plant-based diet, with the occasional animal product. These could be people who are transitioning and trying out the vegan or vegetarian diet but are not fully committed to it, for various reasons. Flexitarian could also be someone who just choices to eat mostly meat or dairy free but every few meals will eat something from an animal.
Although this is not technically a vegetarian or vegan diet, it's a great way to start the journey to becoming a vegan.
It's a tricky thing trying to navigate all the diets out there these days.
If you're ever interested in trying out these diets there are incredible amounts of resources available to help you on that journey. Do some research, get an understanding of why people choose these diets and then find somewhere to help you! Good places to start are PETA, The Vegan Society, Vegan Action, and many more. Just type into a google search, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, or any other diet and you'll get loads of information! I encourage everyone I talk to, consider these types of change because they're great for yourself, the animals, and the environment.
I hope these brief definitions have helped you to understand some more what these different words mean, and maybe they have you thinking about ways you could change your diet!
Because fun isn't only for kids.
Brunch has been set, baskets have been filled, and eggs are all dyed up. Everything is ready for the children big egg hunt, but what about the fun activities for adults?
Although Easter egg hunts are traditionally just for children, there are fun ways adults can enjoy Easter games too. For the time that you've become an adult and stopped egg hunting, here are 6 fun and entertaining adult Easter activities.
Remember how excited you were for finding all the Easter eggs with delicious surprises inside? Chocolate bunnies are great, but adults first interest— money, caters the crowd like nothing else. Have everyone bring empty plastic eggs to full with money or even scratch tickets inside, and hide them all around. Trust me, once people find enough of them, no one will be jealous of chocolate bunnies anymore.
Who said egg dyeing is just for kids? Adults have an artistic side too, let your child-imagination flow by setting a table with cool decorations such as glitter, paint, brushes, and other fun egg decorating supplies to let adults creativity flow. Also, is a great way to include children and see who can come up with the coolest design.
Autumn Mott Rodeheaver on Unsplash
No one is ever too old for a friendly competition between family and friends. You can plan different games like setting up a time limit and rewarding the person who found the most eggs or you can hide 3 "golden" eggs to reward three people. You can even do a relay race having participants hold an egg on a spoon with their mouths while running across the yard and back. The first person to finish without dropping the egg wins!
Laurentiu Lordache on Unsplash
Instead of finding more colored eggs, "golden" eggs and special treats, try putting a series of clues inside each egg to lead to an ultimate prize. Prizes can be a pack of beer, money pot, a gift card or even lots of treats. Get creative with these ones, you'll want your guests to be interested in finding the big prize.
Is everyone over 21? Great. Good-old fashioned drinking games are the best way to go. Truth or Dare is super fun to play and even more fun with the Easter vibes going. Fill plastic Easter eggs with a "truth" question or a fun dare— they either have to do or say what the eggs ask, or take a drink. It's your choice! Also, another fun drinking game can be transformed into an easter game by the well-known Never Have I Ever.. game, put some fun facts into plastic eggs and if the person is guilty, he or she drinks.
Invite your guests to spend their Easter Sunday with a themed inspired party. Think of Easter-related themes such as a baking party were everyone bakes their favorite dessert, or a barbecue theme party, or even take advantage of the beautiful Spring blossoms with a DIY flower arranging party. The possibilities are endless.