Student Life
28 Daily Thoughts of College Students
"I want to thank Google, Wikipedia, and whoever else invented copy and paste. Thank you."
18 December 2024
Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash
I know every college student has daily thoughts throughout their day. Whether you're walking on campus or attending class, we always have thoughts running a mile a minute through our heads. We may be wondering why we even showed up to class because we'd rather be sleeping, or when the professor announces that we have a test and you have an immediate panic attack.
1. I'm so tired. I need a nap. Maybe I can sleep with my eyes open in class? Or pretend I'm not napping?
2. We have a test today? Why didn't anyone tell me? Did I know this?!
3. Can I quit school yet? It's only October, and I need a vacation.
4. The struggle is so real.
5. I'm so broke. SOS.
6. Stressed? Eat everything you own in your pantry and stuff your face with all your feelings.
7. "Did we have anything due in class today? Homework? Quiz? Test?" "Not that I know of..."
8. I need food. Where is the closest place to get food? I need it stat.
9. This is the longest day of my life. I need a drink, or two, or three.
10. Sleep? What is sleep? What a foreign concept.
11. When someone suggests going and studying in the library, let alone studying in general.
12. When the cafeteria or student center is packed and you can't find a seat anywhere so you literally have to sit in an abandoned corner.
13. When you see someone you used to hook up with. They see you, and approach you; so you have to pretend like everything is normal.
14. When you get your exam and realize you didn't study as much as you should have.
15. When you crush it on an exam or paper that you totally bullshitted.
I need a grande, extra strong coffee to get me through today.
17. When the professor announces you have a project due the following week with no instruction on what it's on and how to do it.
18. Is it Friday yet? Where's the weekend when you need it most?
19. It's freezing in here. I feel like I'm sitting in an igloo. I should have brought a jacket or worn long pants.
20. Did I remember my book? Damn, I forgot the book, and of course I need it for that quiz in class.
21. I would pay a million dollars to not go to class today; or actually never again.
22. I need a hoverboard to ride to class. Maybe then I wouldn't be running 15 minutes late to class every day.
23. Oh she/he's cute! I wonder if they're single. Who are they texting? They're BF/GF? I wonder if they think I'm cute. Could they be a potential new bae?
24. Why is there never any parking? I pay thousands of dollars a year for one parking spot to be open.
full parking
25. When it feels like you've been in class for an hour and you look at your phone and it has only been five minutes (I'm crying on the inside).
26. When the professor asks if there are any more questions at the end of class and someone raises their hand.
27. When you get assigned the most incompetent group of people possible for a group project.
28. I need a comfort dog so I can avoid all life and school responsibilities.
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