Student Life
34 Things You Will Learn In College
Surprise: This is not on the syllabus
02 January
College is some of the greatest years of anyone's life. Its a time to be outrageous, different and free; a time to do everything you were afraid to do. Here are 38 things you will learn during your four (maybe, five or six) years in college!
1. As a freshman, one does get to be called “freshman” by upperclassmen when they walk to parties in a mob of people.
2. Some of the best stories happen after 2 a.m.
3. Upperclassmen live for meal swipes from freshman because they are poor and need free food.
4. People are struggling just as much as you are so you're not alone.
5. You will never take privacy or personal space for granted ever again.
6. You are not the only one who has slept on the community bathroom floor after a night out.
7. Skipping class for Netflix is a valid excuse.
8. It’s totally acceptable to bring a pot of coffee, a sleeping bag and a pillow to the library.
Because you will most likely be joined by five or six other people doing the same thing.
9. Having class with a friend is the best because you can trade off days on who goes to class.
10. When you are a senior, you take the easiest classes to boost your GPA.
11. How to pull an all-nighter.
12. How to handle drunk people.
13. The drunk you does not look out for sober you about 90 percent of the time.
14. How to deal with a hangover.
15. How to interact with people very different from you.
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16. The perfect amount to procrastinate on every assignment.
17. How to pass a class without paying for the textbook that was "required."
18. How to calculate your grades to see what you need on every test in order to maintain a passing grade.
19. How to hook-up with someone without getting emotions involved (but we all know that doesn’t happen).
20. How to handle your roommate when you want to strangle them.
21. That you miss your parent’s every day.
22. How to get into a bar when you aren’t 21.
23. How to BS on assignments, out loud and on your resume.
24. That theme parties are the greatest.
25. How to find free events that have free food.
26. That when there are puppies on campus it will be the greatest day of your life.
27. Alarms are necessary and you must set like seven of them in order to wake up in time for class.
28. Greek parties are exactly how they are in movies.
29. Care packages are treated like Christmas presents.
30. The friends you meet in college will become your bridesmaids and groomsmen.
31. That printers only break when you need them the most.
32. Cereal, ramen noodles, Easy Mac and microwavable pancakes can be used for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
33. That classes before 8 a.m. should be illegal.
34. Changing your major is OK.
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