10 Thoughts Every Chubby-Cheeked Person Over The Age Of 5 Experiences
I don't think you're ready for this jelly.
Chubby-faced babies are just some of the cutest, little things! But once you reach a certain age, rocking a pair of chubby cheeks makes you very self-aware of your rounder face. Every person with a round melon experiences these thoughts on a regular basis:
1. When am I going to grow into my cheeks?
Wake up, look at yourself in the mirror, and look at your sleepy face that never has seemed to lose the childlike roundness. You question if you will ever grow into your cheeks and look like a real adult.
2. I could dribble my head if needed
Another realization about having chubby cheeks is the odd resemblance your face has to a basketball. You wonder during dull periods of time if your face could actually bounce.
3. Judging your cheeks in photos
Your outfit looks great, and you have the perfect pose down, but when you look at your photo, your cheeks seem to be the star of the show. You then wonder if your cheeks are really that big.
4. I could probably lose 10 lbs just in my cheeks
Countless people want to shed the magical 10 pounds off their thighs or stomach, but you seem to almost carry the extra burden in your chubby cheeks! You often think that you could definitely lose the weight if your cheeks were smaller.
5. Googling "how to make face appear smaller"
After seeing that photo of your face and thinking about losing ten pounds, you end up looking up ways to make your face appear smaller. Whether it is smiling a certain way, a type of haircut, or anything to help give you the look of actual cheekbones.
6. You do leg day, I'll do "cheek day"
After your Google search, you find out there are things like "face yoga" that can help slim your face. You decide that instead of going to the gym to work on your core, you decide to do a good cheek workout.
7. Chipmunks are my spirit animal
They love food, rock chubby cheeks, and are a little chunky. Chipmunks are goals, and if you are a lucky chipmunk, you are able to sing and become famous (and get like four movies). Own your chipmunk self!
8. I live the "Chubby Bunny Challenge"
If you don't know what the "Chubby Bunny Challenge" is, it is a popularized challenge in which you try to put as many marshmallows in your mouth as you can while still being able to mumble "chubby bunny." A life with chubby cheeks makes you feel like you are constantly playing this game because your cheeks are always sticking out.
9. If you pinch my cheeks again, you will no longer have hands
When you have chubby cheeks, people have the urge to pinch your face, no matter your age and no matter how much you protest. Literally, this is probably one of the worse things about having chubby cheeks. Chubby-faced people don't go walking around pinching other people's faces telling you how cute your cheeks are.
10. Chubby cheeks = the most adorable thing ever
Through the good and bad, we all know that chubby cheeks are totes adorbs. Whether you are a babbling baby or a boardroom adult. Own your chubby cheeks and steal hearts while doing it.
Owning a pair of chubby cheeks makes you look like a sweet person, but you also become a tough little chipmunk. You go through periods of lots of love and a lot of hate, but in the end, those chubby cheeks are yours. Work them, and people will not be ready for your jelly.