If I Could Dream A Perfect Day, This Is What I'd Do
An inside look at what my dream day would be like.
Have you ever just had such a crappy day that you find yourself lying in bed daydreaming about what your perfect day would be like? No limitations, no pain, no frustrations. Just whatever you want.
Well, I have. Here is a look at what my perfect day would contain.
1. Teleportation
I know, I know. The first thing on my list is something that could absolutely never happen, at least in my lifetime. But hear me out.
I want to travel, but any form of transportation makes me sick. Cars, boats, planes, trains, you name it I end getting sick. So if I could teleport than I wouldn't have to deal with it. Plus I wouldn't have to pay for gas or airfare. It's a win-win.
2. My Mom
Kayla Resler
It wouldn't be a perfect day if my mom wasn't along for the ride. Who else would I have fun with and then rub it in my brothers face later?
Just kidding, he would come too.
3. Food
It would not be a prefect day if it didn't involve food. And if it was free it would be even better.
4. London
I have been dying to go back to London, and if it was my perfect day I would definitely take a trip over the pond!
5. Meet the Stars
If it was going to be my perfect day, I would meet some celebrities. Let me scream, and jump, and totally fangirl in front of Emma Watson, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth, Zac Efron, and Robert Downey Jr. just to name a few.
6. Meet Fictional Characters
Earlier I said no limitations, so that means I get to meet fictional characters such as the Mikaelson family, the Golden Trio, Sirius Black, the Avengers, the Joker (he wouldn't kill me), and Hannibal Lecter (he also wouldn't kill me) to name a few.
7. Disney World
Bring on the magic! I want to go to Disney World and not have to wait in any lines. That would be a perfect day.
8. Learn a New Language
If I could learn how to speak French or German in a day that would be amazing.
9. Queen Concert
If I could close out the day by traveling back in time to see a Queen concert with Freddie Mercury back on stage that would be the perfect end to the perfect day.
10. Happiness
If everyone that I love was completely happy, with no stresses holding them down, for just one day that would definitely be a part of my perfect day.