11 Of My Best Decisions In College Thus Far
Decisions that I have made in college that will shape my future in a positive way.
After finishing my sophomore year in college, I have reflected on how I've grown as a person. There is no doubt that college is tough, but it is also beholds some of my best years so far.
1. Choosing to go college in a different state.
Moving across the country has given me so many amazing opportunities and amazing people.
2. Having an on-campus job that I learned from.
Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center
Working as a banquet server at the Kellogg hotel has taught me so many things.
3. Choosing to live in my sorority house.
Serena Foote
A year living with 48 girls gave me memories I'll never forget.
4. Going pretty much ‘blind’ when picking my freshman year roommates!
Serena Foote
Always thankful for my freshman year roommate and forever friend- Allexa Nash. Rooming with someone I never met before led to this beautiful friendship.
5. Creating Relationships with Important Mentors/Professors
Serena Foote
I highly recommend doing this for yourself.
6. Saying ‘Yes’ to being set up for a hayride!
Serena Foote
Who would've thought?
7. Introducing myself to new people in class.
Serena Foote
This is how I met my best friend, Mary Beth. But it was the other way around.
8. Staying in more than going out!
Serena Foote
Some of the best nights were the ones where we'd watch vines for hours...
9. Living with a best friend who tolerates me (; ... for 3 years in a row!
Bridget Ells
Best friend, roommate, same thing.
10. During my second year, calling my mom more often than not.
Serena Foote
After all, I do always have things to say, whether she wants to hear it or not!
11. Saying ‘Yes’ to new things in general.
Serena Foote
Holding the position of Director of Event Operations for COM 490. Choosing to write for the Odyssey and becoming a content creator. Along with finding a passion for volunteering and walking in the VIM fashion show. All of these things pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to be proud of myself!