How To Be Single During The Holidays
Being single during the holidays can be quite depressing, but it doesn’t have to be.
When the weather turns to freezing and the snow begins to fall, all your friends begin to fall in love. They say this is the time that everybody finds somebody, but what happens if that everybody doesn’t involve you? Don’t envy your friends who get a cuddle buddy during the 25 days of Christmas, that’s nothing compared to all your perks. If you are down in the dumps about being single this holiday season here are a few tips:
Tip #1: One of the greatest things to look forward to while being single is not having the drop stacks on someone for Christmas. Now you may have a few family members to grab gift cards for or a secret Santa gift to buy, but you don’t have that huge deeply thought out gift to invest in. Not only that, but you don’t have to stress if your significant other will even like the gift you spent 12 hours on Pintrest trying to find. Save some money for yourself and treat yourself to something nice this year, you deserve it!
Tip #2: This is your time to relax and spend time with your family. While everyone in a relationship is running from family to family trying to arrive on time to all the family functions, you have nothing to worry about. You get to spend quality time with one family and one family only while not stressing about making your arrival elsewhere and trying to impress another family. You get to put your main focus on your own family and cherish that time together with them. Plus you get to spare all the awkward relationship questions your family would have asked you if your significant other was present, and that’s a blessing in itself! So focus on your family and relax.
Tip #3: Eat your heart out. With no one to impress and no one to share your leftovers with, this means more food for you. Throw on those extra comfy pants and indulge on the food that everyone else is sharing or eating none of because they don’t want to look bad in front of their significant others family. Plus if your with your family or ordering some take out, it’s food you actually like, you don’t’ have to worry about washing down nasty a Christmas dinner. That last piece of pie has your name written all over it!
Tip#4: Have no shame. Being single means you can have no shame in your game. It’s cold outside and with that comes pants every single day, so if you don’t want to shave your legs who’s to stop you? You don’t want to brush your hair for a couple days, so be it. You feel like watching a couple Netflix series in a week, more power to you! You can be as lazy, as dirty, and as carefree as your want to be with no one to judge you.
Tip #5: Celebrate you! New Years Eve is the infamous night where we all wonder who will kiss who, but who said you had to kiss anyone? You could stay in all night or you could party the night away with your friends, but tonight’s about you. Screw the awkward midnight kiss, it’s time to kiss 2015 goodbye and focus on you. Make resolutions for yourself and step into 2016 as independent as ever!