18 Lessons I've Learned In 18 Years
Here are 18 lessons that I have been taught in the last 18 years of my life.
I turned 18 a few weeks ago, so I figured I would share some of the many lessons I have learned throughout my life. Some have been taught to me and some I learned for myself, but all of them are what what I live by. They hold meaning and truth, so I hope you find them helpful.
Life is supposed to be messy
Things aren't always going to go your way. You have to understand that life won't always be good— it will be bad at times. It's supposed to be that way. Life was meant to be messy and dirty and fun and tragic and magical. If your life is messy you're doing it right.
You can’t please everybody
The sooner you accept this fact the better. Someone will always be unhappy with you and what you're doing. If you spend your whole life trying to please people you will waste your whole life.
Don’t waste your breath
Sometimes the best thing you can do is shut your mouth. Unintelligent people don't deserve to hear what you have to say because they refuse to attempt to understand someone else's words that don't match their own. In life, some people are worth your breath so don't waste it.
The world isn’t that big
Things aren't that far out of your reach. The world is big, but it's not so big that you can't change it. Don't let it intimidate you— you deserve to see what you're made of and so does the world.
Do what you want
The moment you stop living by other people's rules of what you should be is the moment you truly start living. Who cares. Where you are and where you are going is where you were always meant to be. Live the life you want to live and disregard what other people say.
Exercising can be fun
It's a science. Exercise makes you feel better and stronger. Yeah, it sucks while you're sweating and panting but after, you feel amazing. Exercise for you because it's fun.
Too much alcohol is NOT fun
Alcohol is fun— obviously. Too much alcohol is awful, though. The hangover is no joke.
Know your limits and test them safely
Don't be afraid to go further than you normally would with anything in life. It's a good thing to know how far you can bend before you break, so test yourself, but be smart and safe about it.
Life is a gift
Life truly is a gift. If you look it up, the odds of you being born are 1 in 400 trillion according to google. That means that you're an actual miracle. Life is a gift, so don't waste it and be thankful.
Love people where they are at
Everyone's story is different. Everyone is going through a valley. Not everybody is on the same page as you. Meet people where they are and love them. Tell them that they are going to get through this and tell them that you love them. No matter where they are— love them. Life is a hard journey that would be a little more bearable if people loved each other more.
Let things go
The people and things that are meant to be in your life will be. When people try to leave— let them. Hold the door open for them. Tell them bye and don't look back. Never beg anyone or anything to stay. Let them go.
Forgive people even if they do not apologize
When you choose to hold grudges you're the only one that suffers. Forgive. Not for them but for you. Do not let other people cause you anymore pain then they already have. Forgive them and move on— even if they don't apologize.
Priorities are everything
Figure out what matter most to you and pursue that with everything in you. Prioritize your dreams and success won't be far. You just have to be bold enough to do it.
Rest days are a necessity
Your body and mind need a break and time to reset. If you're constantly going and going without any breaks you are setting yourself up for failure. Set aside one day a week or even one day every other week to take off from the gym, from work, from school work, etc. A rest day isn't an excuse to not get your work done, but it is what allows you to be able to perform your best. Be fair to your mind and body and give it rest.
Find what makes you feel the most alive
You have got to figure yourself out. You have got to go for the things you want and try new places. You have to go out and meet people. You have to put yourself out there. The most important thing a person can do in their life is find what sets them on fire. What make them feel the most alive. Everyone should venture out and explore the world so that they can discover what their calling is. Feeling alive should be top priority.
Some people do not grow up
Unfortunately, some people will never mature. They will never stop causing drama. They will never stop partying. They will never stop acting like a child. They will never change and grow up. Don't wait on people or expect things from people. They will disappoint you because sometimes they never grow.
Call the people you care about
Your mom and dad are getting older. Your grandparents won't live forever. Your sister and brother are aging too. Do not let life distract you from taking time for the people that you love and care about. Do not let life get in the way of your relationships with the people who have never left you. Call them. Even if you don't have anything to say to them, just call them. You won't regret it. No one stays on this earth forever, so talk to them while you can.
Love hard
If you are going to love someone or something. Love that person or thing with everything inside of you. Love them until you can't breathe. Love them until it hurts. Don't ever half love something. Love it fully or don't love it at all. The most important piece of advice I've ever been taught is to love as hard as I possibly can. Love should be all or nothing. Love with all you've got.
These are the 18 things I've learned from my 18 years. What have you learned?