Life in Christ is not a competition, it is a journey
This is not a competition where you compare yourself with others, when we look in the mirror, that is our only competition.
This is a response to Your Christian Journey Is Not A Sprint, It Is A Marathon.
We need to see our lives in Christ like a race where we are our only competitors and Jesus is our guide who teaches us, trains us ad guides us through the different seasons we may encounter in our journey.When we accept christ as our savior, when we start following Jesus sometimes we want to run and do everything fast, we try to organize our live by our own instead of letting God to do it, maybe because we know someone who is Christian and we have seen how they talk, how they wear, how they walk, but I am here to tell you that life in christ is a journey where you start like a baby knowing step by step and ends like hero or warrior.
This is not a competition where you compare yourself with others, When we look in the mirror, that is our only competition. Remember that our flesh wants to do all the desires from this world but our spirit is willing to obey God and there is a constantly battle between them but the bible says 2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new, so it our journey we will learn who to stop living old thing and start living new things in christ.The purpose message is to stay mindful and remain inside your day with one new word to be different in christ that you will keep thinking about, thorough out your day. I suggest you try it, as it has worked wonders for me. I am on a mission to continue to evolve into the greatest version of myself, while assisting others to travel on the same mission with me.
As we navigate this new reality and world we live in, we see that everything has come to a standstill and we are left with only ourselves and our thoughts (and anyone else quarantined with us!). Anxiety, depression, worry, old and new temptations knock at the doors of our hearts and minds. Who and what do we turn to during these times?
As you go throughout scripture and study the lives of those who have gone before us, you see that the life of a Christian isn’t guaranteed to be easy. Salvation was free and made available to us upon accepting Jesus and the forgiveness of sin, but it doesn’t stop there. Our Christian walk is not a sprint but a long distance race. I am clearly not a runner, but we can clearly see that the focus, training, and technique required for running the 100 meter dash vs. running a few miles (or even a marathon) are vastly different. The Lord, through His word, has provided us some steps we can take to keep grounded and also grow in faith, hope, peace, and love in Him as we are on this journey. All we can do is take it one day at a time. The word states that we have to renew our minds daily. Romans 12:2 states, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”