Lately I've been seeing quite a few of those "Tag (insert common name here), I had such a good time with them last night and want to see them again" posts on my Facebook feed. The images shown with these taglines are photos of people who are obese, have crooked teeth and unclear skin, have disproportionate features, and are simply "imperfect" according to society's expectations.
So here's my problem with these posts, they are literally making fun of and exposing people who are overweight, fairly "unattractive," and imperfect to the average viewer. So these posts that are getting shared over and over again on Facebook are literally mocking people who are physically imperfect. These posts are making fun of obese people, disabled people, really any person who isn't a model or uncommonly beautiful. Here's one I found on my Facebook feed a little while ago...
I can take a joke, in fact, I love jokes; but I don't find these posts funny by any means. I don't think it's funny to make fun of people for their appearances. I don't think it's funny to mock other human beings for things that they are likely to already feel insecure about. I don't think it's funny to bully strangers via the internet. I mean, I can't be the only one who recognizes how mean these posts are right?
So that's my problem with these posts. Please, if you come across one, don't share it. I'm sure the person pictured in this awful trend would thank you for it.