Whenever I wake up and pop a K-Cup into the family Keurig I get this giddy feeling of excitement. I press the “on” button and watch the coffee pour into my mug and everything turns right in the world.
Maybe that was a little weird, but theres just nothing like that moment when you realize that your kitchen is starting to smell like Starbucks and that the cup of coffee (a.k.a., the water of life) that is responsible for that sweet aroma is all yours. That first sip is like getting a hug from the morning; one that says “Rise and shine, sweetheart, welcome to the day!” Cue birds singing and squirrels laughing and world peace spreading to all corners of the Earth.
Really, though, coffee is the superman of the hot beverage world. Americans absorb more antioxidants from coffee than any other food or beverage including fruits, vegetables, and tea- all powerhouses full of antioxidants. And where would we be without our antioxidants? Sick, thats where. They’re the little soldiers that protect our bodies from free radicals that can cause all sorts of diseases and complications. Not a bad gig for the second most traded product in the world.
Apparently, America has heard the news of coffee’s health benefits before, since over half of all Americans over the age of eighteen drink at least one cup each day. I’d like to know how the rest of the over-eighteen population of America wakes up in the morning. Maybe they represent those “I prefer tea,” types. If thats you, rock on. You do you. As for me, I’m going to keep loving coffee.
Want to love coffee even more? Here are my top 5 favorite fun facts about this little bean.
1. The oldest cat to ever live sipped coffee quite often. His name was Creme Puff and he lived to be thirty-eight years old.
2. The effects of caffeine were discovered after a farmer noticed his goats “dancing” after eating too many coffee beans.
3. Residents of New York City drink seven times more coffee than any other city in the United States.
4. Lightly roasted beans actually contain more caffeine than their stronger tasting dark roasted counterparts.
5. Some coffee shops use artificial scent machines to achieve their signature scents. (If anybody knows where I can get one of these, help a sister out and let me know!)
Why do you think so many dates happen in coffee shops? How is a little bean responsible for a $100 billion worldwide industry? Or, arguably an even more impressive feat- How did I survive finals week?? Because coffee is magic, and anyone who would like to disagree with me should replace their morning haterade with a delicious, steaming, warm cup of coffee.