Many people would be mortified to admit that their mother is their best friend, but when you have one that's super cool and supportive, there's nothing but pride. Moms have literally been your A1 since day one. They've seen you cry, laugh, and grow. They've been there for you during the most intimate and embarrassing moments of your life. So for all of you Mama's girls, here are six things we all can relate to.
1. She gossips about your friends and peer group with you.
Not only does your mom know who all of your friends are, she knows who they're dating, what they're doing, and what they've done to piss you off this week. Your mom is the best person to talk to about your friends because you know no matter what, she won't tell a single soul. As an added benefit, she's been through young adult drama before, so she's equipped with the best advice possible.
2. Your mom is always embarrassingly proud of every little thing you do.
Sure, every parent is proud of their child. However, when you and your mother are super close, the pride intensifies. There is nothing better and more embarrassing than seeing your mom go on a five paragraph Facebook rant just because you got honor roll (even though you've gotten it every semester since you were five).
3. No question is too personal.
Your mom literally made you and brought you into this world, so no question is too far for you guys. Maybe there's a little problem with boundaries, but who cares! When you're this close to your mom, you run to her when you're worried because your boobs hurt, you don't know which deodorant to switch to, or if you need advice on how to get a guy to leave you alone.
4. Nothing is set in stone until MOM approves.
Yes we get it, it sound juvenile to run to Mommy for every little problem but we just don't care. In our minds, our mother is the supreme intellect who seems to know a little about everything. We won't make a meal by ourselves until we ask Mom if we have all of her special ingredients. We definitely won't continue dating a guy if Mom insists she has a bad feeling about him. And we 100 percent will not go to the doctor's alone until our mom has verified that the doctor is up to her standards.
5. There is no holding back when your mom has an opinion or vice versa.
You guys don't tend to beat around the bush when it comes to talking about things. You both are upfront and real with each other 24/7. If your mom doesn't like what you're wearing or thinks your new boyfriend is a total tool, she will not keep quiet. And when her casserole tastes funny or her Facebook has way too many memes, you give her a reality check.
6. You will never feel alone.
No matter what life throws at you, you will never feel alone. You may come home crying over a break up or how your best friend betrayed you, but you will never think that you have no one. Your mom is waiting there for you with open ears, a glass of wine, and a homemade meal. Your mom is the ultimate best friend because you never have to worry about her leaving you.