1. Do you REALLY love McDonald's that much?
2. When you are asked where you want to eat
3. You are able to "brunch so hard" everyday ALL DAY
Who can say no to 24 hour breakfast?
4. McDonald's is found everywhere
Traveling? Not everyone will be there for you... but, McDonald's WILL!
5. They accommodate your college budget
$1 menu? Can't beat that!
6. When your friends mention McDonald's being, "gross" or suggest going to Hardy's, Burger King, or Taco Bell instead, you reconsider the friendship.
7. People make a point to say, McDonald's isn't "real food" criticizing your nutritional choices, but you honestly just don't care.
8. When people ask if you get tired of eating there
No? They have breakfast, chicken nuggets, sweet tea, cookies, wraps and burgers. So, no.