Now that the new year has come and gone, it is time to head back up to the happiest of valleys. I'm sure everyone has a lot of big expectations about what Sylly Week will bring, but a few things are for certain. Being a senior, and this being my last syllabus week ever, I intend on making it one for the books. In doing this, I look to one of the most hilarious actors we all have come to love, Adam Sandler. From "Happy Gilmore" and "Billy Madison" to "Big Daddy" and "SNL," Sandler has delivered handfuls of laughs that will perfectly describe what we are all in for this week.
Here are ten Adam Sandler movie moments that flawlessly portray how the next week of your life will play out:
1. Your New Year's resolution to improve this semester is in full effect
"I've got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight! "
2. You still have holiday music stuck in your head
"Put on your yarmulke, here comes Hanukkah. Its so much fun-akkah to celebrate Hanukkah3. Finding out you actually have an in-class quiz????
You should probably just drop this class now...
4. Getting an A on that in-class quiz (after a night out of course)
Really though, good for you!
5. Back to laughing your a** off with your roommates at 2 a.m.
These really are the best nights though!
6. When your drunk roommate pees the bed, you just put down some newspaper
This might be the best trick in the book!
7. Going to McDonalds to drunk eat every single night
Honestly, no shame!
8. Knowing exactly what the most important thing is in the morning, WATER!
"Now that's what I call high-quality H2O!"
9. Maybe find a new love interest...
Just in time for valentines day right?!?
10. Looking back and wishing you could do it all over again!
How every senior feels right now looking at the freshman class.