The seven days that we all long for came back! There is one week each year that students look forward to, and it's syllabus week. Although there are classes beginning, it’s the one week when you don’t have a worry nor care in the world. Do syllabus week (and the few weeks after it before the exams start to come) right.
1. You're back.
2. You've missed your college friends, A LOT.
Even though you snapchatted/ texted/ facetimed every day, being apart from the people you were with 24/7 made you realize how much you've missed them.
3. Your body can handle more nights out than you think.
It's syllabus week. Time to get 'sylly'. Nights 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. The partying never ends. We're so back.
4. You actually already have A LOT of work to do.
During winter break, there was nothing like a clear schedule. Now that we're back, your calendar has already filled up with three quizzes due one day and four assignments due the next. Take me back to winter break.
5. You're already missing good food.
Speaking as a sorority girl, yes the food is good, specifically the lunches, but it's not home food. I am already in desperate need of sushi. Now.
6. You have to mentally prepare yourself for the weeks to come.
Yes, you have some work to do during syllabus week, but it's nothing compared to what you have to do next week. Get yourself ready... Library, here you come.
7. You do not like the people with "New Years Resolutions" at the gym.
Good luck finding a treadmill or elliptical at the gym during this week. People have “New Years Resolutions” of becoming more fit, but in a week or two they will get over this “resolution.”
8. You get to start fresh.
There’s nothing like new folders, pencils, paper and classes. You get to set new standards for yourself in terms of grades and you say to yourself, “Hey maybe I’ll change things up this semester,” but probably not.
9. You realize that drop/ add week saved you.
Checking out the syllabuses and your professors beforehand comes in handy during drop/ add week. You have a week to decide whether or not you should take a class based off of the syllabus and course load. Choose wisely.10. You realize that syllabus week is coming to an end and it's time to be a real student again.
Do syllabus week right. You only have one week to do nothing and be a fun college student. After all, we only have four years here: make them count.