With its dry humor and wit, "The Office" puts a very interesting take on syllabus week. As a matter of fact, it could not describe this wonderful week more perfectly:
Finally seeing your friends for the first time in a month:
There truly is no greater feeling.
When the professor calls you out for walking in late:
But then you see a really cute guy/girl in your class and admire them from afar:
Blowing kisses is obviously the best conversation starter.
If the professor is really laid back and chill:
Cherish these professors.
When you pretend to pay attention:
We have all made this face at some point in our lives.
When you first glance at the syllabus:
You're pretty sure you're doomed.
When you actually read the syllabus:
Now you know for sure you're doomed.
When your professor has already had enough of you:
You just don't see eye to eye.
When the professor starts teaching and the whole class is already confused:
Just try not to panic.
Your feelings about your professor:
Need I say more? We all can easily relate to Dwight more often than we would like.
When you see someone sleeping in the library this early in the semester:
This is never a good sign.
When you and your friends try to get a head start on homework but just can't take it seriously:
Sometimes, studying with friends is not always a good thing.
When you realize you can survive this semester with the help of your friends:
Another semester, another syllabus week. We survived it before, we can do it again. Good luck this semester!