Ah, syllabus week. Only one of the greatest weeks of the academic year. One where you can celebrate any way you choose — by doing absolutely nothing, or by doing the absolute most. A man known for doing either of these is Ron Swanson. Though Ron probably did not ever celebrate syllabus week, he likely could tell you exactly how it goes.
First, comes the part when you realize you get to reconnect with all of your friends. It's exciting, thrilling, and inevitable that syllabus week is on its way. You can't believe it. It really is here.
No really, you're super excited.
Next, your friends start to arrive back at school. You cannot freaking wait. You start stalking them on Find My Friends just to be sure you're ready the second they return.
They finally get to town.
You can't believe how much you missed them.
You begin to think of some plans for your first night back to campus.
It's time to celebrate being back at school. You start by hitting up your go-to bar.
Oh, how you've missed this place. Of course, you run into your ex. What's new.
Your friends make a split second decision for you.
Onward you go. Someone in your squad trips and falls. It happens. Y'all forgot how much alcohol was stuck to the ground of those bars.
Of to the dance floor. Yes, it's one of those nights.
Everyone is having a great time. Thank goodness for syllabus week. It's been a few hours, and a few drinks in, you're feeling good. Actually, now that you think about it, it seems like everyone around you is feeling pretty good.
One might even say, invincible.
It's syllabus week, so obviously, can't stop, won't stop. But, you definitely are in need of some good late night drunchies.
The night continues, but it's late. And oh no, there goes your ex-texting you.
Someone in your squad starts crying. Definitely time to head home.
You might have accidentally run into your ex first, though.
You wake up for the first day of classes the next morning like...
Your friends text in your group chat about the crazy things that went down last night.
You need something in your stomach. And fast.
You try and eat something "healthy" that cures "hangovers"...
But resort to something filling, greasy, and delicious. The usual.
It's probably time to get ready for class, so you head to the bathroom to see how you're looking. Chances are, you're going to need to freshen up.
Oh dear.
Maybe if you just fix your eyebrows real quick...
Ah well, could be worse.
Yikes, finally time for class. That's right, that's what you came to college for...
You barely make it to your first class on time. The semester is already a struggle.
Oh dear, this teacher seems tough. Bad move showing up late on the first day. She calls on you to answer a question about the required reading. What? Required reading?
She makes a joke about how you won't get through the semester with that work ethic.
And it's one of those classes where the teacher feels they need to take up the entire hour and fifteen minutes to explain how the class works. Oh, goodness.
Finally, she's done. Just in time — three minutes past schedule. Does she know it's syllabus week?
Anyways, you're off to your next class. Thankfully, you only have two today. This teacher seems cool, he can tell the class is feeling it from last night.
He spends ten minutes explaining the basics, AKA., the attendance policy. He tells you you can read the syllabus and schedule on your own and email him with any questions, and lets the class leave early. What a wise man he was.
Ah, you can tell that class will be great. Thank you, professor.
Home you go, still not feeling too hot from last night. How long were you at the bar anyway? There's one way to find out.
Ok, enough with that. Your group chat is blowing up. Your friends definitely want to go out again. FOMO kicks in, so you make a decision.
You take a nap and think about how your semester's stared so far.
You're still not feeling too great, but you look presentable enough to head out once again with your squad.
You go out, feeling okay about the night.
As you should have predicted, chaos once again ensues.
And you wake up the next day with the same reaction, just for everything to happen all over again.