So, this is possibly the worst week of my life in college. Not because I'm going back to class or because I don't want to see anyone because those things are terrible, but it really makes me look at all the things that are to come in the class and it is quite terrible. A way I thought to make this week a little better is to watch "Grey's Anatomy" and who better to explain my feelings than my favorite people.
1. Waking up and walking into your first class like
Knowing that you're just going to be walking from class to class, trying to figure out how to make it through the day; let alone the semester. After coming back from summer it is hard to get back into the "swing" of things. And if that's not hard you know you just don't want to do it.
2. When you see your friend walk through the door and realize you're not in this alone.
It's such a relieving feeling knowing you won't be in a class by yourself for many reasons. You can sit by each other because it's honestly really awkward picking a seat on the first day of class. Both of you can share notes, and the book. I really will never understand why textbooks are so expensive, but there's nothing we can do about it so at least you don't have to face the issue on your own.
2. Or the opposite...when someone you don't like walks in your class.
Why are you here? How did you get here, and when are you leaving?
3. When your professor changes the slide from the syllabus to 'Chapter 1'.
Did everyone hear what I just heard? This went from 0-100 real quick.
4. When the first thing they ask you to do is talk to the person next to you or get in groups
I don't know these people and I don't want to know them. I came here to listen to one person talk, not "get to know" the person sitting next to me, so, can we just get this show on the road.
5. Or even worse, when they ask the whole class to introduce themselves
Suddenly I just became the most disinteresting person and I know nothing about myself. I don't even get why they ask us our names, they're not going to remember anyway so... what's the point?And an interesting fact? WHY? WHY? WHY?
5. Then as the teacher is finishing up and asks if anyone has any questions, and someone does
You're not serious. Please, don't do this. We all just want to leave.
6. But knowing you made it through the whole week
7. It may feel like this or like this...
College is fun; enjoy it while you can because kind of like high school (not really because the people don't suck as bad), but you're going to miss it when you're gone.