Okay, so you made it through syllabus week. This is the week that is most definitely the easiest during your college career. Professors go through the class syllabus, and sometimes if they are feeling adventurous, they start teaching the first lesson.
Overall though, this is the week where there is no homework and you have more free time than you will ever have. My freshmen year, I thought this was college. Little did I know it goes from 0 to 100 real quick.
The next week is filled with pop quizzes, lab reports and studying almost every night. But do not fear, you will get through it because, well, you have to. It's time to spend your nights at the library instead of the mall, time to visit professors instead of friends and time to sign up for tutors. These next few weeks will have its ups and downs, but I have a few tips on how to make the most of these weeks.
Tip #1: Go to your professors.
I know you have probably heard this from numerous friends or upperclassmen, but really ask the questions. The professors are not nearly as scary or intimidating as they seem. They are usually there for help and are sometimes desperate for students to visit them during office hours. Office hours are the golden hours for students. Use them wisely and never be afraid to approach a professor or even one of their colleagues for help.
Tip #2: Welcome to the library (the jungle).
After syllabus week, the library will become your new home. As a Biology major, I have spent many nights in the library pouring (crying) over my numerous textbooks. My first semester of my freshmen year, I avoided the library. I was nervous to enter the realm of sleep deprived upperclassmen and thought I can just study in my room. That all changed spring semester when I entered this world, and I have never looked back. Now you will find me there printing papers or having a late night study session before an upcoming test. The library is not something to avoid during college. So just embrace it!
Tip #3: Have Fun!
Yes, you read that right. Don't forget to have some fun. Sure college is about making the grades and becoming an older and wiser person, but you are supposed to enjoy some of it. Try to make the time to go get fro yo, see a movie or go for a walk in the park. Adventure into whatever city you are in. You only go through college once (hopefully) so enjoy it. These are said to be the best years of your life, so make the most of it.
Overall, don't fret because the easy week is now over. Sure it will get tougher as the weeks go on, but just take is week by week and try not to plan so much of the future. And don't forget, in just a few months a new syllabus week will be happening again!