Syllabus week is upon us. It's the most wonderful time of the year. It's the time to recover from last semesters mistakes; a time where there is so much hope. Here is why syllabus week is the best week of the year, as told by The Office.
1. 5 minute classes.
Your professor isn't all that excited about the start of the new semester either. The syllabus gets passed out and then you are sent on your way.
2. Lecture halls with friends.
The only way to get through a 90 minute lecture on plants is with a good group of friends. If you don't have any in your class, add/drop week is the time to convince your friends that a class all about plants is what they need in their life.
3. You don't have responsibilities yet.
This is the perfect week to catch up on your Netflix bingeing. No respectable professor assigns actual work this week, or they would have everyone drop immediately. So just sit back, relax, and keep clicking "yes" when Netflix asks if you're still watching.
4. You can go out... every day of the week.
Obviously not speaking from experience...
5. You have the professor that tells you attendance and the textbook are optional.
What more do you need in a professor? This is what dreams are made of, especially if the class is before 12am.
6. You have so much free time.
It's the perfect time to start a new hobby, such as napping for prolonged periods of time or staying at the dining hall until you eat them out of pancakes.
7. But when the week is over...
This was the peak of your semester. Get ready, it only goes down from here.