Everyone always thinks that the first week of classes are easy but once you get to college that isn't always the case. Sometimes I think "Syllabus Week" is more stressful than finals week. Yeah, I said it.
When you're in high school the first day of classes are always rules, expectations, and syllabus. You get to college and the professors hand a syllabus to you, maybe go through it, then jump right into the material. It's not like I just was on break for a month staight. It's fine. We are all fine and we don't need to ease into anything. It was hard enough getting up, let alone trying to figure out how to get into school mode again. Classes hit you so hard right when you get back. Kind of like a big yellow school us.... Then after they slam you with new material, they throw an hours worth of homework on you as if you don't have four other classes. Welcome back to reality.
So not only are you already lost in your classes on day one and are overwhelmed with the amount of work you have ahead of you, now you've got to find your books. Do I go online or do I just hit the bookstore? You ask yourself. You know that online will be cheaper but you had all your professors in your classes say," Have it by next class." and "You need the text book for the assignment due next class." Oh and the best one is, "The book isn't THAT expensive." Then you hit the book store and the price tag says," $140.00" But hey, it's not that bad right? I don't know about you but I don't have one hundred and forty flipping dollars laying around!
Honestly, the best part about syllabus week is when it's over. You know what to do in each class and you start getting the hang of it. You've gotten over the traumatic event of buying books and hopefully you aren't totally overwhelmed with work. Getting back of the swing of things can be tough but when you put aside all of the little stressful things, it is pretty exciting that you're in the proccess of earning your degree and on the track to getting a career. So on those days you're feeling stressed and like your professors are out to get you, remember that it's going to be worth it and you aren't going to remember all the crappy stuff you had to do when you are in your dream career.