Ah, syllabus week is upon us and who is better to narrate your week than Michael Gary Scott? He is a man of many wise words. So here your syllabus week summed up by Michael Scott.
1. When you get called on in class but it's the first day
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2.When your professor says class is mandatory
Giphy3. When they tell you that your final will be cumulative
Giphy4. When you tell yourself that you'll thrive this semester
Giphy5. When you get slammed with assignments and it's only the first week
Giphy6. After you buy your textbooks for this semester
Giphy7. When your friend is unexpectedly in your class
Giphy8. When you're really confident going into class but things take a turn
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9. When attendance isn't mandatory
Giphy10. When you're debating dropping out and it's only the first week
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11. When you're driving on campus and everyone walks in front of your car
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