Syllabus Week is almost like a first date. You get introduced and you feel like you will now know what to expect to come in the future. Except, we all know that things always turn out differently than expected.
Now the easy part is over, so you have slowly transitioned from summer mode to back-to-school mode. At least, kind of…
Here are the real thoughts we all have after syllabus week:
1. Just go ahead and just mentally prepare for breakdowns:
(I’m kidding, but also not really) Schoolwork is going to catch up to you, along with all of the meetings you need to attend. And you're going to wonder how you will have time to fit in a social life, time to eat or even time to call home. At times you are going to feel really overwhelmed, it’s college. You may feel like you’re drowning, but just keep swimming.
2. No need to dress to impress
You have already seen everyone in your class and already made the statement that you look good, so it doesn’t matter anymore. Just break out those norts, tees and get ready to be comfy for the year.
3. Do I actually need my books?
Your syllabus will always say the textbook that is required for that class, but now is the time to figure out if the textbook is actually “required.” If the professor hasn’t assigned homework or even told you to read anything in the book. Don’t buy it, unless you want to open it twice all semester and waste $150.
4. Yeah, the 8:00 a.m. wasn’t such a good idea was it?
You aren’t excited about the new-ness of the semester anymore. Now you have realized that you would rather sleep than take a 8:00 a.m. and have your afternoon free.
5. Patiently waiting for season changes:
Summer was fun, but you were excited to start a new chapter, and no you’re over it and ready for more fun. Less than 30 days until colder weather, football time, fall activities, Thanksgiving Break, snow days and then Christmas break…
6. Is it too late to change my schedule?
Your professor doesn’t meet the 4.8 ratings on rate my professor or the elective you thought was going to be an easy A wont be, so you're re-considering this perfect schedule you though you had.
7. What about my major?
I swear I know at least 10 people extremely well that have changed their major. Everyone considers this and the sad truth is you don’t realize you won't to change it until you get into upper-division classes that are actually related to your major and by that time if you change you will definitely be graduating now what?
8. Is this really worth it?
How do I know I will be successful? Why am I doing this, it's so hard. I feel like this is a thought everyone has multiple times over the school year but all of these consistent thoughts start now…You may not be able to tell the future but you’ll only be as successful as you try to be!
9. Wait, maybe I should actually look at the syllabus:
This is the time that assignments are due. We’re taking exams soon over things we talk about in class and have to actually pay attention and learn. Get ready.
10. I have to actually learn now?
I think we all forget what it’s like to be in college-mode after the three months we had off. Now we have to actually learn information, work hard, instead of just focusing on our social life.
We all feel like the easiest part of the semester is over and college is about to start kicking our butts; we just need a little adapting back to the school year. It'll alllll be worth it when we hold that degree in our hands after all the blood, sweat, & tears.