Ah -- the week we all dread, yet love, at the same time. Syllabus week, otherwise known as the first week of classes, is a time to get back into the groove of going to classes and having a routine after weeks of laying in bed until noon. Syllabus week is known for the awkward ice breakers, the sighs after hearing class expectations, and last but certainly not least, receiving the syllabus for all of your classes. Here are just some thoughts that went through my mind last week during syllabus week.
That feeling when your alarm clock goes off at 8 a.m. for the first time in weeks...
And then you get to class only for the teacher to ramble on about the class description and expectations for 20 minutes..
Oh but it gets better because then it's time for the dreaded "Say your name, year, hometown and a fun fact about yourself" so you sit there contemplating if there is anything slightly interesting that has ever happened to you![]()
Then at the end of the class, your professor assigns an entire chapter of reading plus questions to answer...
After the end of your classes you go back to your room and kind of just feel a little dead inside..
Following your short mental breakdown, you realize that maybe you should actually do your assignments and get supplies, even though you still have no idea what is happening in the class
As the night goes on and you look at Snapchat you see that it seems as though just about everyone is out partying on a Monday night because syllabus week![]()
And you're sitting in bed trying to figure out what you're doing with your life and why you thought it would be a good idea to take these classes...
Finally, after a long week, you are finally done with classes and get to enjoy your weekend!
Hope everyone survived their first week back and had a great relaxing weekend!