1.) How you feel sitting in first period, reflecting on your vacation like...
2.) Then you see your friend across the room and you're all...
3.) And...
4.) But there's still that one person you forgot was in the class too...
5.) Before the teacher hands you the syllabus he asks you to introduce yourself, "say something unique," and you're all modest like...
6.) But there's that one person who does have something unique to say about themselves...
7.) Then you FINALLY get the syllabus in front of you and you're like...
8.) and you're excited for the teacher to be cool and not have to read the entire syllabus...
9.) But they insist on going over it... front to back...
10.) Then suddenly you've made the transition into Chapter One and you don't even know how the conversation became a lecture...
11.) But the syllabus took a long time to read, and the class has ended...
12.) And you think it's all over! But then your realize you have four more class syllabi to get through this week...