Some would argue that sylly week is the best week of the semester. Some would also argue that "Friends" is the best show ever produced. So naturally, it only makes sense that these two amazing things are combined.
It's the night before classes, and you stay out as late as possible because you're in denial that classes start tomorrow.
You take full advantage of reuniting with friends by meeting them for dinner on Main Street.
Your professor finishes going over the syllabus and decides to start lecturing.
You treat yourself to a glass of wine ... or four ... after your first day of classes.
Your professor tells you that attendance will be mandatory.
But then your other professor tells you that attendance will not be mandatory.
You walk into your 100-plus student lecture hall and find that one person that you know.
You see that super cute guy you danced with the night before in your 8 a.m. class.
You distract yourself from all of the impending responsibilities by going out every night.
You have the acknowledgement that syllabus week is coming to an end and pretty soon you'll be doing real work.
But then comes the acknowledgement that it's already the weekend, so it's time to party.