�It's the start of the new semester, which obviously means the start of a bunch of new beginnings!
In college, that very first "new beginning" is referred to as Syllabus Week. For those who may not know, this is when our new professors hand out a sheet of paper full of class requirements and expectations, and basically waste our time by reading over every single aspect on it for an hour and a half. As if we couldn't have done it on our own time...
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While this is all happening and while we're trying our very hardest to give our "undivided attention", we know we're all sitting there thinking the same things...
1. "Is there any good looking people in this class?"
One of the, if not the very, first things done when you first arrive in a new class. While the professor is talking, we all know we're sitting there scanning the crowd to pick out potential future baes. Don't even try to deny it.
2. "Okay, who are the normal people in this class I can talk to?"
Okay this one may just be me, and call me crazy, but I actually like to make new friends and talk to new people in my classes... (it's the journalism in me, guys). I'm always looking for people that seem nice and I could befriend as the class goes on. Besides, you have to have at least one person's number to text when you skip class one day and see what you missed, right?
3. "Alright, this class requires too much reading that I know I'm not going to do."
Now that you've scoped the new crowd enough at this point, you have no choice but to pay attention. You then notice your professor mentions how many "required readings" there are and assigns so many hours of reading per week that you know you're not going to do anyways.
4. "This professor is so boring..."
There is absolutely nothing worse than having a professor that just talks and talks in a completely monotone voice. Especially if the class itself already isn't the most fun course in the world. Realizing how boring your professor is on the very first day is a huge make or break on whether you actually even want to stay in the course, sadly enough.
5. "Wait... are they seriously still talking? Are we really only on page six of the Syllabus?"
When the professor is taking their sweet time going through every point on the Syllabus and all you can think about is leaving...
6. "Well, this semester is gonna suck."
Finally, the professor stopped talking and dismisses you to leave... you look around at the class and you know right there and then that everyone is thinking the same thing as you. "What have we gotten ourselves into?"