So ever since I was about 10 years old, I knew I wanted to be a surgical nurse. I thought it was the best way to really help people and impact their lives. All throughout middles school, high school, and some college, I did my best to reach that goal and have my dream career. Everyone would tell me how they think I’d make a great nurse and how I was brave to want to operate on people. However, about 3yrs. into my college life, I started to not be into it as much. I figured it was the school I was at and lack of hands-on experience I was getting. At that point, I decided to switch schools.
After I had switched schools, I started falling in love with nursing all over again. I had plenty of hands-on experience, since I got to actually participate with patients on a cardiac wing. But then, the fluttering in my heart subsided whenever I had to complete certain tasks that were less than fun. I realized that I didn’t want to have to do those certain tasks to reach my dream job goal. Sadly, I decided to quit nursing for good and switch my major to one that part of me has always loved; math, more specifically, accounting.
Since I had changed my major, I had to switch schools yet again, but this time to a temporary school while I worked on my GPA. After all the stress I have gone through by switching majors and schools (more than once), I’m happy to say that I feel like I’m in a good place in my life. Sure, I had a rocky couple semesters there, but who hasn’t? Isn’t that part of life? Experiencing some less than ideal situations to end up finding what will make you happy? I, at least, think so.
The lesson I will leave you readers with is this: just because things aren’t exactly going how you wanted them to right now, doesn’t mean you should give up. You’re still figuring out your path in life. Know that you’re not alone and that if you keep at it, you will find what makes you happy.