Have you applied for any jobs?
What are you going to do with that college degree?
You really need to start networking!
You know that job doesn't make a lot of money right?
Are you starting on your master's soon?
If college graduation is right around the corner, your answers to these questions probably sound a lot like the following:
No, I haven't applied for jobs yet.
I'm not 100% on what I will do with my degree at this point.
I joined LinkedIn, so is that considered networking?
Yes, I know I might have to have a job I drag myself out of bed to do every day if I want to make bank, but I would rather keep looking.
After I carry my diploma case off the stage I'll think about getting my master's.
Finishing college is a super exciting part of life, but it is also one of the most terrifying, depressing, and confusing emotional roller coasters this side of the glory days. Not only are you walking away from all the amazing friends you made in the best four years of your life, but you are also slammed with the reality that you have big person responsibilities.
Instead of graciously accepting the donations from First Parents National Bank, you have to start thinking about the b-word - budgeting. And of course, everyone wants to have a great first job making 6 figures right out of the gate, but then the companies say you need 2-3 years of experience first. Which, by the way, has anyone noticed the good jobs require experience but we're like "I just spent four years getting this degree, how could I have 2-3 years of experience already?"
When all the factors of graduating college and moving on to be a potentially successful young professional build up, the most appealing option seems to be to swerve away from adulting! So far, adulting doesn't sound very fun, and, according to statistics, I have the most free time and disposable income I'll ever have right now, so why would I want to give that up?
Then I remind myself, and I would like to encourage all of you soon-to-graduate friends that every season of life has its adventures. College has a lot of late nights, cheap weekend trips, spring break stories and unforgettable conversations over way too much coffee. Who's to say the next chapter won't have its own adventures that might be even better?
In the next few years, you could find a mature significant other who actually has goals, aspirations and treats you like the beautiful daughter that the Lord made you (ladies)! You could find a job that provides the funds you never had in college to get into a new hobby. You could take a little time post-college to travel overseas and take pictures of sights and people that you could tell your grandchildren about.
There are so many opportunities for us in our twenties after college. So let's make a pact not to swerve away from adulting. Let's take the word "adulting" and turn it into "adventuring."