The Sweet Sixteen And Who You Should Root For | The Odyssey Online
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The Sweet Sixteen And Who You Should Root For

The NCAA Tournament is a special time of year and knowing who to root for is an important part of it.

The Sweet Sixteen And Who You Should Root For

Well the first two rounds of the NCAA tournament are over and now we know who is in the Sweet Sixteen. Did your team survive? How is bracket doing? I am going to guess most of you answered no and horrible to those two questions. This year has been full of bracket busters and disappointments for big teams. So, I am here to tell you who is left and who you should root for. Will you choose the Cinderella story or the perennial team that is always in this position? The choice is yours.

  • Gonzaga
    • This is #1 for obvious reasons. Gonzaga is the team that has always been a Cinderella in our hearts. They always have an amazing season (in a weak conference) and get a decent seed but can never seem to get past the Elite 8. Well they’re in that position again and this year this team in my opinion is the best one they have had in years. Bulldogs I think it’s your year to shine and the whole country should be behind you especially all the small schools out there waiting for the chance at the big game.
  • Xavier
    • Another team just like Gonzaga. They always seem to be there but they can never seem to break the barrier of the Sweet Sixteen. Another small school that brings in talent year after year but cracks under pressure. The Musketeers have a team that can score fast and quickly. They’re fun to watch and I think everyone will be watching to see how this team fairs this year.
  • Butler
    • Everyone remembers Butler for that Cinderella run they made a handful of years ago. They made the championship game and got to play Duke. It was one of the best games that anyone can remember in decades for the NCAA Tournament. It came down to a Gordon Heyward half-court shot that just missed going in off the rim. I remember like it was yesterday. I was so sad to see it not go in but they played their hearts out. Will this be another year like that year? Watch them closely because I think they have a team to look out for.
  • Michigan
    • Well they might be this high on the list because it is my home state but for everyone to know I am a Michigan State fan so they’re this high for multiple reasons. The team they have this year wasn’t expected to do anything that great. Well they won the Big Ten Tournament and are now making a march in the tournament. They can score quickly and play tight defense. The team is very confident right now and should be high on your list of teams to watch.
  • South Carolina
    • They just beat the team that everyone thought was THE team to look out for this tournament season. This is South Carolinas first trip to the sweet sixteen in SCHOOL history. You got to give them a hand. They have played their hearts out. The thing is the excitement that their football team brings is the reason they’re not at the top of this list. South Carolina you’re a football school and it should stay that way. Plus, you’re from the SEC and almost all NCAA fans despise the SEC.
  • Wisconsin
    • The team that is always full of guys that no one has heard of that can shoot the lights out of the building. They showed this in their win with over Villanova. Villanova losing destroyed every one’s brackets and probably caused the NCAA to lose a good chunk of viewers. I also had Villanova winning in my bracket and because Wisconsin caused therefore I think you shouldn’t root for them in the sweet sixteen.
  • West Virginia
    • The Mountaineers. A team that always seems to make the tournament but can never do anything with their ticket to the madness. They have high standards as a program but never meet them. Why root for something that always chokes under pressure. It becomes predictable and I think their fate is going to be the same this year.
  • Florida
    • No team has repeated as champion since Florida did in 2007. I have a feeling they created a curse on the NCAA so that no one would do it again. Watching a team try to repeat as champion is one of the most exciting things in sports. In my opinion Florida took this away from us and will always only be a mediocre team to root for till another team repeats as champion.
  • Purdue
    • The top seeded team out of the Big Ten. They didn’t even win their conference regular season or postseason. How did they get seeded the highest? This just shows the committee for choosing the seeding doesn’t know what they’re doing. This has caused me to not want me to root for anyone that got more then they deserve in this tournament. Sorry Purdue but you losing in this tournament might prove to the committee that something needs to be changed.
  • Oregon
    • The team that always has the sick uniforms that you imagine yourself wearing. Their court is also probably the sickest thing I have ever seen. If you haven’t seen it look it up you won’t be disappointed. The team that came out of the PAC 12 that wasn’t fully expected. They had a good season last year but with the resurgence of UCLA they were expected to not meet those expectations that they were given after last year. Well they have lived up to those expectations and beyond. The only thing is though in my opinion you’re just a school that Nike has helped get recruits since the creator of Nike came from here. That’s just not fair and in my opinion other schools that have worked harder to get those recruits deserves more fans.
  • Baylor
    • A team out of the Big 12 that no one saw making it this far at the beginning of the year. Also, a team that is normally just a football team. They are a good team but also not a team that is very exciting. If you’re looking for a team that is neutral this is your team. I can’t really say anything to negative or positive for them.
  • Arizona
    • A team that lately has been showing what they’re all about and that’s basketball. They play high up tempo offense and like to light up the scoreboard. They are also knowing for annually having one of the best defenses in the nation and it’s the same way this year. It’s become almost expected though now so it’s starting to become boring. Now a day everyone wants the underdog and that leaves you towards the bottom of this list.
  • North Carolina
    • Roy Williams. Enough said. They have been here before and always will be. He prepares a team better than most coaches in the NCAA. It’s a team that everyone is always rooting for and that’s just boring. If they win it won’t be a shocker and that’s exactly why you shouldn’t root for them.
  • Kentucky
    • I think we are all getting tired of Kentucky and John Calipari. He brings in a group of Freshmen every year to put on a show only to see them leave for the NBA that spring. It’s getting old Kentucky. I think I can say this for all basketball fans become an actual coach and teach these kids basketball and not the quick way to the NBA. Its ruining college basketball and its ruining those kid’s futures who don’t make it in the NBA.
  • Kansas
    • Bill Self has lead the Jayhawks to 28 straight tournament appearances. I shouldn’t have to say more than that. They are here year after year and it’s become an expectation. Where is the fun in that? When you see teams like these go down its exciting. That’s why you should be rooting for everyone against them.
  • UCLA
    • UCLA is the most exciting to team to watch on the planet right now. They lead the NCAA in points per game and assists per game. They’re offense at its finest. The thing is they have a shadow hanging over their tournament this year and that’s Lonzo Balls dad. He has created controversial statements in the past couple weeks that make him sound like a maniac. You could’ve beat Michael Jordan in one on one back in the day? That’s just plain crazy. You averaged 2 points a game. Stop trying to steal your sons spotlight and get off out of the medias eye. The sooner the Bruins lose the sooner we can stop hearing your voice.
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