I awoke at daybreak,
The sky was blood red with hues of orange and timid ray,
Elm-trees swayed with a singing song in the morning wake,
Tweeting like crows, tantalizing the naïve day,
Reminiscing the meeting upon the damp grass demanded he pay.
Gazing upon idle face amidst her covers:
Her smile strolls in a veil of shadows,
She sat up in bed and caressed cheeks with ringlets of chestnut discovered,
Frigid from the prior night, tucking her under sheets, I then woke a fire I do suppose,
Strolling along to see distant morn, smoke as dark as the night it flows.
I thought of her towards the locomotive, eyes study a house near a lake, a lake with trance,
Ended by a horn, locks of pure gold tribute pale skin, a sight I swear thee a votive.
Looking back from the train I possess a beautiful stance,
Upon the train, my reflection I see, his face reminiscing his last emotive,
Of first love, and the 'gasp' that slithered from her lips: her body ever so promotive.
Awakened by the horn, the edge arrived with my pale beauty and her ringlets of gold,
She glided passed and brushed my shoulder, the admiration she has addressed,
The life to have and the empire to rule, a figure as beautiful as Helen of Troy to behold,
Then alas, a gentleman followed and did bay her shoulder, bliss as he caressed,
Her skin so creamy and soft, her husband swooned her this I regret to have guessed.
Damn you, how dare you hold my beauty with her luscious skin and locks of ray,
An enemy you have made out of me, though, the look they share is unconditional,
A price of redress I guarantee for the law of 'eye for an eye' I decree, you will pay,
I know of a plan to put one's head in a noose with this foe proved to be formidable,
Shall I say this scheme will leave me invisible?
Today was mad; I felt my sweet pass beyond the gates of paradise,
But she was wicked; poison in my veins,
That soul with twinkling eyes, ravishing hair, oh how am I ensnared to pay her price,
Dearest father whatever shall I do to make amends and break these chains,
To have and to hold through sickness and health until no breath remains.
Tomorrow I will see thee once again and hear sweet uttered words of me,
Stating whom you prefer as we walk through the sunset,
Yes, you will see how the pieces fit together for I will honor her my love and set her free,
Aware of the pity she displays for her husband, living a dishonest life in debt,
It shall be perfect just me and thy heavenly grace free without threat.
Waking up at the crack of dawn where the red sky expresses my passion,
Crows sing their eerie song perfectly in tune with my heart, in thumping chest,
Anticipating the embrace of his other half which will never be out of fashion,
I make my way towards the locomotive where first blessed,
At last, I met the bridge me severing from my love, as I cross all worry is oppressed.
Knocking, knocking, at her door till I see those open souls leering without distrust,
Hello my dear with ringlets pure, complexion flawless like angels, I came to liberate,
Hinting near the locomotive; your heart longing for fine attention, something more than lust,
A soul such as thee radiates fragile love, clear sign ye crave to pursue au fait,
Dearest seraphim please lend me your favor and tell me your name without blate.
Dearest stranger flattered am I that thou believe I am easily regarded as angelic,
Alas, my husband is covetous and I advise ye disregard any false affection,
Nay, affection is carried from Eros himself arrows of love to pierce our hearts, my relic,
Woe, I am deeply pained I ruefully accuse thee of bearing affection, before I withdraw in dejection,
May thee bless me with a name before I fall apart from thy rejection.
Stranger my name is Porphyria, and I believe your presence has overstayed its reception,
Beloved Porphyria, with a bonnet of pink atop locks that laugh like sunshine,
Your loveliness shall haunt my dreams bittersweetly and before covetous husbands' perception,
Farewell, this bridge connects my soul with thy heart dearest beauty of favorable reception,
I shall reminisce of your touch galore through apperception.
Tis evening once more I set forth house with glimmering lake; seeking revenge for her grief,
Knock, against her door, forevermore, I knock till his face emerges as my blood surges,
Mercilessly I grasp his throat and choke his plea, till a snap of his neck and slack of his body made brief,
Upon this bridge thee shall hang, for her trivial love is but a memory and a sigh of relief,
Down she comes, weeping and crying, dearest God what thou make tangible who is the thief?
Oh beloved Porphyria, I awoke early evening and gazed at the sight we shamefully see.
Dearest beam of ray please do not fret this is something I swear for thee to forget,
I will take care of you this I promise thee,
I shall prove my love to you tonight, and aid in forgetting this frightful threat,
My love Porphyria whom I cease to withhold, underneath this elm-tree we commence our love this I bet.