Have you ever had that moment? I don't even need to elaborate before a thought pops into your head. Yeah, one of those moments. The moment when the world stops. All that you hear is your breathing and all that you see is what that is in front of you. Time stops. Everything freezes. The moment that only happens once in your life. That indescribable, insane, incredible moment.
I bet you think this is about love. Well, you're right! No, not with another person. This is better. I'm talking mind-blowing. Are you ready for this? Make sure you're sitting down. Prepare yourself. Here it comes.
I'm giving you a break point to catch your breath and collect yourself.
Ready? It's okay if you need more time. I understand. Yes. That is a ball of dough, covered in cinamon. Want to now something else? There is icing in the middle. I'm about to blow your mind for the second time.
They're real. And they're amazing. The first time I ever tasted one of these bad boys it was as if I had been seeing in black and white my whole life. It was like when you finally get glasses and everything is clear for the first time. The second the cinnamon sugar reached my taste buds I gasped. When the icing filling made it's way as well I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I had no idea food could possibly taste this way. I had to take a second look at what was in my hand and look at my surroundings to make sure I was still in Taco Bell. Angels descended from heaven and kissed me on my cheeks and brushed my hair away from my face. There was a choir in the background singing "ahhhh". I was transported to a tropical island with crystal clear water and attractive men fanning me with giant leaves. All my troubles melted away. I felt motivation. I could save the world. I could find the cure for cancer. I could stop wars and bring world peace. I feel confident in the fact that if everyone would try these little balls of ecstacy that we wouldn't have hate. We wouldn't have racism. We wouldn't need to fight anymore. All we would need is Cinnabon Delights. So perfect that even Gordon Ramsey couldn't even find a flaw.
If you're ever feeling down, think you don't have anything going for you, I urge you to go to Taco Bell and order a 12 pack. "12?! I don't need 12!" Shhhh. It's okay. You will need twelve. Ready for some even better news? I know, I'm sorry, this is too much amazing news for such a short amount of time. 12 of these perfect little babies are only $4.89. No, I was not paid by Taco Bell to promote this, I honestly just love them so much I couldn't go another day without spreading my love for these balls of joy. Trust me, buy them. You can thank me later. You can actually thank me with some Cinnabon Delights!