Without fail, there are always going to be those mornings where you don't feel like getting dressed and instead choose to just throw on some kind of sweater.
It could be a pullover sweatshirt, a zip up, or any other kind in between, but the result is the same: you've successfully avoided wearing a regular shirt. Or maybe, you just really like wearing sweaters, who knows.
Either way, the point is clear: it's always sweater weather somewhere. In honor of that fact, here are five types of sweaters every girl has:
1. The go-to sweatshirt.
This is the pullover that is versatile enough for any day and any time. It's both comfortable and stylish (or at least stylish enough) and makes you feel better about your day as a whole. Got a big test coming up? Slip on this sweatshirt and avoid the stress of getting dressed so you can focus on studying. Having a rough time with a friend or a guy? Get this sweatshirt out so you can comfort yourself with softness while still looking good. Basically, you can't go wrong here.
2. The zip-up.
This is pretty similar to the above go-to sweatshirt, but this is the kind of sweater you may not have started out wearing right from the morning. This one is all about layering. Maybe it got cold so you pulled it on, or maybe you just got tired of your shirt and wanted to switch things up. Who knows? The result is all the same though, you end up with a nice and comfortable sweater and that makes everything better.
3. That one sweater that you love but never actually wear.
Maybe this was an impulse buy and maybe it was a carefully curated decision, but the problem is the same: you bought this sweater which you love, but yet you can never seem to find the right time to wear. It's not that you don't like this sweater, because you do, but somehow there's always a reason why you don't end up wearing it out. You love the design but the sleeves are slightly too long, it was too hot the day you finally tried wearing it, or those jeans just didn't look right with the sweater and you couldn't find your other pair-these are just a few examples of the problems that inevitably arise with this sweater.
4. The dressy sweater.
If you need a dressy top to wear to a a restaurant, or you're going to some sort of fancy-but-not-too-fancy event, this is the sweater for you. This isn't the kind of stiff, overly dressy shirt your mom used to stuff you into for family holiday parties, but it does fulfill the same purpose. With this kind of dressy sweater, you'll have just the right mix of fancy and comfort. Plus, you'll definitely get compliments on this one.
5. The worn out, never to be worn in public sweater.
Come on, you know the sweater I'm talking about. We all have one. This is your favorite and oldest sweater, it's the sweater your mom keeps urging you to get rid of, but it holds too special of a place in your heart for you to listen to her. You only wear this sweater at home, and maybe you even sleep in it, but it's value is higher than any other piece of clothing in your closet. Bonus points if this sweater is from a bar/bat mitzvah, has some sort of large and tacky design or slogan on it, or, if you're especially attached-is bedazzled somewhere on the fabric.
The message here is clear, a sweater is always the best option. With a sweater for every occasion, never again will you have to focus on anything but the utmost comfort. And naturally, comfort is key.