It's probably safe to say that many of us have been to the Emergency Room at least once in our lives. I, on the other hand, can say I've probably been to the ER more times than I can remember. Just recently, I found myself heading to the ER for the third time this year. Before I even realized it, I had grabbed a number of things that I found I only ever brought with me to the ER.
Yes, you heard that right. I had been to the ER so many times I now had on hand an ER survival pack so to speak. And if I needed one, who else might? Since I've already done the work, I just thought I'd share my list of 5 things everyone should bring with them if they want to survive the ER with their sanity intact (or at least get stuff done).
5. Food. Like any good survival kit, food or snacks (high in protein and sugar preferably) can go a long way towards preventing or alleviating feelings of aggression, irritation, or just plain crankiness brought on by the excessive waiting time spent in the ER.
4. Water or drinks (I'd suggest liquor, but I don't think it's allowed). It's important to stay hydrated in the midst of waiting. Otherwise, you might just end up as a patient in the ER instead of a supporting conscript that can leave with the arrival of visitors.
3. Stuff to do. Let's face it; the ER is boring AF. And unless you enjoy trying to calculate the number of previous room occupants according to the number of scuff marks on the floor, you're gonna need to keep yourself occupied. A few suggestions: homework (arguably every teacher's favorite), books (for my readers), and crap-that-needs-to-get-done-but-inevitably-finds-itself-pushed-to-the-side-until-the-last-second-before-it's-due, (such as this very article I am writing).
2. Your phone. Because, well, everyone pretty much lives on their phones. Selfie? Snap. Games? Boom. Facebook? Like. Yes, I realize this may very well render #3 irrelevant, but note I did say that this list was also for those who MIGHT want to feel productive, hence #3.
Finally, the #1 thing everyone should bring with them to the ER is a junk-load of patience and, at the very least, a sense of humor. Without either, you will likely want to hurt everyone around you, including yourself. So save yourself the jail time, and come to the ER with the understanding that you may just be stuck there forever.
The next time you find yourself on a trip to the ER, don't forget to bring these five things with you. They might just save your life, your sanity, and/or your job.